Coronavirus: Before a turning point in Britain, draconian austerity is introduced


The British government would be forced to further toughen the rules to curb the coronavirus epidemic if people do not adhere to current standards, British Health Secretary Matt Hancock said on Sunday.

Hancock told a BBC television policy magazine that it is true that the number of coronavirus patients and deaths in need of hospital care is currently low, but these two numbers are delaying changes in the number of infections examined.

According to the latest figures from the UK Department of Health, 4,422 new coronavirus infections were examined in the UK in the 24 hours ending Saturday night. These are the highest daily coronavirus infection data for more than four months. In July and August, the average number of new coronavirus infections tested per week per week did not reach 1,000.

According to the UK Department of Health, 27 people died on Saturday from the Covid-19 disease caused by the coronavirus. At the peak of April, there were periods when the number of deaths from coronavirus exceeded 1,200 per day.

However, Matt Hancock, on Sunday’s BBC program, rejected a reporter’s suggestion that the government would overreact to the coronavirus situation, stating that death rates are indeed lower than outliers. above, but this is the current situation and foreign experience. After the increase in the number of infections, the number of people needing hospital treatment and then the number of deaths begins to increase.

He added: Britain is facing a tipping point, but if everyone adheres to regulations aimed at curbing the epidemic, restrictive measures at the national level can be avoided. The Health Minister said that he does not rule out this type of measure, but he did not want to use this tool.

However, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said this week that the British economy would not tolerate a full-blown queue across the country again and had no intention of imposing such austerity measures again.

In recent days, the British government has put in place local restrictions, especially in the northeast and northwest of England and major cities, where the number of new infections tested daily has increased significantly.

However, starting in late September, those who do not comply with quarantine rules will be subject to significant fines. Under a new decree from the British government, a fine of 1,000 pounds (nearly 400,000 guilders) can be imposed from September 28 on those who must be segregated due to a positive coronavirus test or a positive test from a close friend or family member. , but they do not comply with this obligation. In case of repeated violation, a fine of up to £ 10,000 can be imposed.

According to the government decree, there are also sanctions for companies that force or punish their segregated employees. At the same time, the government pays a one-time allowance of £ 500 (HUF 200,000) to low-income workers who must be laid off.

