What time do you have to eat the last time if you want to lose weight? According to new research, not at 6 p.m. – Diet


In recent years, there has been a widespread opinion that you should no longer eat after six in the afternoon to lose weight successfully. This is partially true. If someone is bedridden, it is really not worth scheduling dinner before bed as their body cannot shut down, instead of resting, it will also work during the night. In the supine position, the stomach does not digest food properly, which can subsequently lead to reflux and digestive problems.

If someone stays up late at night, they can easily get hungry after 10-11pm after dinner, inadvertently adding extra calories to their body, so it’s best to schedule their last meal later.

According to research, this is when you should last eat if you want to lose weight.

According to experiments from the Pennington Medical Biology Research Institute, experts recommend three meals a day, which are worth aligning with the circadian rhythm, writes Psychology Today.


The circadian rhythm influences many factors that are important for nutrition, such as when you are hungry or when carbohydrates, sugars and fats are digested, while the body is also affected by the alternation of day and night.

In a study published in July this year, researchers suggest that the last meal should be at 2 p.m.

The article continues after the recommender.

In Pennington’s study, researchers looked at seven overweight men and four women. For the first four days, it seemed like their meals ate at 8 a.m., 2 p.m., and 8 p.m., and then changed at 8 a.m., 11 a.m., and 2 p.m.

The foods were selected to provide enough calories and nutrients to maintain weight. The participants were monitored six times a day and evaluated with them to determine their levels of hunger, satiety and energy.


It was found that when the last meal was carried to an earlier date, the levels of the hormone responsible for hunger decreased. According to them, this time is effective because it reduces appetite, increases the feeling of satiety, delays bingeing, so fewer calories enter the body and the metabolism of fats will be much more efficient. The researchers say that breakfast should be the most abundant, followed by two lighter dishes.

Although we find it hard to believe that no one should go hungry from 2pm until the next morning, if one cannot bear this harsh austerity, one can have another light dinner in the evening instead of starving all afternoon. The researchers also noted that circadian-coordinated meals should preferably not be used by people with diabetes, IR, or various underlying diseases.

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Fat pads around the abdomen, in addition to making life bitter for many women, can also contribute to serious health problems, so it is best to get rid of them as soon as possible.

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