By following some simple rules of conduct, you can do a lot against infection.


September 20 from 2020 – 10:20

Once again, in the second wave of the epidemic, we can all do a lot to successfully defend and avoid new restrictive measures. By following a few simple rules of conduct, we can do a lot to prevent the spread of infection, to protect ourselves and the health of others. In the information uploaded to the website, we summarize the proposed easy-to-follow daily rules for wearing masks, washing hands, shopping, in your homes, public spaces, workplaces, sports, and walking dogs.

One of the most important rules is to wear a mask in shops, public transport, shopping centers, cinemas, theaters, customer service offices and basically any situation in life in which we cannot maintain a distance of 1.5 meters. The use of a mask is especially recommended when visiting an elderly relative, for example. The rules for the correct use of the mask have also been outlined.

Washing your hands frequently and thoroughly is one of the most effective protections against infection. The most important thing here is to wash your hands under running, warm, soapy water, paying attention to all parts of the hand and scrubbing the soap for at least 30 seconds.

Adherence to the cough and sneeze label is especially important now. If you wear a mask during a cough or sneeze, you should also put a tissue in front of the mask (or use elbow flexion) and then change the mask and wash your hands as soon as possible.

Let’s clean and disinfect our homes, public spaces and offices regularly. Ventilate frequently and wash your hands well when you return home. If you live in a home with an elderly, chronic, or coronavirus infection patient, pay close attention to all of these rules. To protect the elderly, we ask that we visit an elderly relative only if we are healthy.

If possible, avoid unnecessary direct physical contact, traditional forms of greeting (kiss, hug). We also try to pay attention to precautions when organizing family reunions, weddings and funerals. If possible, let’s play sports outdoors now and avoid workouts where many are together indoors.

Let’s intentionally shop in stores, the mask covers the nose and mouth, let’s not hold the goods unnecessarily, and let’s not touch our faces. When possible, choose a contactless payment method. When you return home, wash your hands before and after unpacking your purchased products!

You can read the recommended rules of conduct in detail here:
