Coronavirus: German and British data are worrying


The number of coronavirus infections recorded per day rose to a high of five months in Germany and a high of four months in Britain on Saturday, the MTI said.

in Germany According to data from the Robert Koch National Institute of Public Health (RKI) reported on Saturday, the pathogen has been detected in 2,297 people in the last 24 hours (SARS-Cov-2). More infections were last recorded on April 24, when 2,337 findings were positive.

The number of confirmed infections per day since then only surpassed twice the 2,000 mark, on August 22, when 2,034 infections were recorded, and two days ago, on Thursday, September 17, when 2,194 cases were included in the statistics of RKI.

In its report, the institute highlighted the development of epidemic foci throughout the country. The intensification of the epidemic is also indicated by an increase in the viral reproduction rate (R). The seven-day moving average rose from 1.21 to 1.24 on Friday. This means that every 100 infected people transmit the virus to an average of 124 more people.

The number of infections of the elderly is increasing

There is a slight increase in the incidence of infections among the elderly, but the virus continues to spread mainly among the young, who are relatively rarely seriously ill. Therefore, the burden on the health system and the number of deaths will not increase significantly either.

Along with the new infections, SARS-Cov-2 has been detected in 270,070 people in Germany. The number of deaths related to Covid-19 increased by six from Friday to Saturday, to 9,384. The vast majority of those infected have defeated the virus, with a number of active cases estimated at around 20,000 by RKI experts.

There have been so many new infections in Britain since May 8

A brit A report from the Health Ministry late Saturday reported a four-month high of 4,422 infections, the highest daily figure since May 8.

According to a graphical report released by the ministry, the seven-day moving average of recently examined coronavirus infections per day also exceeds 3,500.

In July and August, the weekly average number of new coronavirus infections confirmed by the test did not reach 1,000.

According to a report from the UK Department of Health on Saturday night, 27 people died from the coronavirus-induced Covid-19 disease the day before.
