Chief physician: all people with an intensive therapy examination have access to ventilators


There are no people in Hungary with intensive therapeutic examination who do not understand how to operate ventilators – he said Ildiko Madurka anesthesiologist and intensive care physician to the public media. An employee of the Korányi National Institute of Pulmonology added that knowing each type may require a few days of training, but the principle of operation of the ventilators is the same.

Intensive care specialists become familiar with the principles of ventilation and the use of ventilators based on their studies required for college and career exams. In addition to them, the nurses working in the ward are also familiar with the machines, but setting them up to oxygenate patients as best as possible with as little damage as possible is the job of the intensive care specialist, he said.

The chief physician said their ventilator hadn’t broken down yet, but they had so much to spare that it wouldn’t be a problem either. Therefore, you do not consider it necessary to have a 24-hour technician in addition to the fans. Additionally, if a fan fails, the instrument technician can only perform the simplest on-site tasks, and equipment maintenance is the responsibility of the manufacturer and dealer.

According to Ildikó Madurka, the National Institute of Pulmonology in Korányi currently has thoracic surgery, lung care, rehabilitation and chronic ventilated care in the same way as in peacetime. In addition, almost a hundred beds have been enabled to care for patients with coronavirus.

There are fourteen beds available in the Covid Intensive Care Unit, where twelve patients are now ventilated, while on Friday there were 36 patients in the 83 medium-weight care beds. He drew attention to the fact that only the intensive capacities are beginning to be filled, but there is also a patient care instruction that if the intensive capacities of the two designated institutions, the South Pest Central Hospital and Korányi, which are the next hospitals in the capital. can be caught.

The debate on the number of specialists needed for ventilators began after Népszava wrote on the basis of the documents in his possession that Korányi and Szent László, appointed for the treatment of patients with coronavirus, had so many serious patients that “the ability to ventilation was full ”in the institutions. Viktor Orban Then the prime minister visited Korányi, where the doctor on duty told him that there was no problem with the number of machines, but that a technician was needed to operate them. Népszava wrote on Saturday that the transfer of health workers to Korányi had begun.

Featured image: Mechanics inspect ventilators in a warehouse of the Korányi National Institute of Pulmonology on May 4, 2020. Photo: MTI / Balogh Zoltán
