Today, the number of deaths from the coronavirus epidemic has risen to 675, Cecília Müller reported again.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

After a long hiatus, the operational tension established due to the coronavirus epidemic will again hold a briefing. The last time we saw the national medical director Cecília Müller and her associates on screen was in June. That day there was news of only 1 new infected; today’s figure is 809. A virologist at the National Center for Public Health (NNK) told M1 on Saturday that the correct vaccine could go to pharmacies early next year.

The national medical director recalled that even at the end of the first wave, they knew that the epidemic was not over. The number of infections has really started to increase, now, since 5 days ago, the number of new infections daily is around a thousand. The second wave, he said, is a natural part of epidemics. In addition to differentiating the second stage from the first. As you said, a different strategy is needed now that generally young people are affected, members of the 20-29 age group are more likely to become infected. They usually develop the disease a few days after mild symptoms, but they can pass it on to high-risk groups, so they must also take care of themselves and those around them. In any case, the elderly and those with chronic diseases remain those most at risk.

More than 800 new infected, six dead

The new coronavirus infection was detected in 809 new Hungarian citizens, thus increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 16,920. Six chronic patients died, bringing the death toll to 675, and 4,382 have already recovered.

The goal of the defense now is to be able to live our daily life safely, ”said Cecília Müller. At present, the number of confirmed infected is 16,920 and the number of actively infected is 11,863. Cecília Müller expressed her condolences to the families of the six patients who died today. The youngest of the victims was 55 years old and the oldest 81 years old. The average age of those infected is currently 41 years old overall, compared to just 35 during the past ten days.

Mask, hand wash!

Starting Monday, you will have to wear a mask in many more places than before, not only in public transport vehicles and shops, but also in theaters, cinemas and shopping centers, for example. From now on you should not wear a scarf or shawl, just a regular mask, covering both the nose and the mouth. If necessary, the lack of a mask will also be penalized.

Cecília Müller asks us to avoid crowded places and to continue to pay attention to hand washing. Anyone with any upper respiratory symptoms should not go into the community, he said. Flu vaccination is important because the risk groups for coronavirus and influenza are the same, and symptoms can be similar. If, on the other hand, we know that someone has been vaccinated, they are less likely to have the flu. Vaccines are available from the second half of October and can be requested free of charge from family doctors.

When the journalist asked if there are enough staff to breathe, Cecília Müller said that if they don’t, they can hire them. She says that now you don’t have to stay home at all costs, there are fewer rules, but you have to strictly follow them. Violators of the rules will not be punished immediately, but the police will also assist in the inspection. However, compliance with the ban on visits to hospitals and nursing homes is not supervised by the police, it is the responsibility of the heads of the institutions.

Hungary is at the bottom of the European test classification

It seems quite illogical in which public educational institution to order distance education or send classes home due to coronavirus infection. Decapitation appears to be even higher in state virus tests.

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