Professor Bedros: Obese people infected with coronavirus are at higher risk


Obese people should pay special attention to avoid coronavirus, as they are more likely to need hospital care and a ventilator, he drew attention in an interview with Bedros J. Róbert Professor, Chief Physician of the St. Imre University Hospital, Chief of the National Obesitology Center.

One in two obese coronavirus patients needs hospital treatment in the US, and the situation is not much better in Europe. About the data Dr.Bedros J. Róbert. worded as follows:

In the case of obese patients, each unit of increase in the body mass index increases the complications of those receiving intensive care, that is, their life prospects deteriorate.

According to Professor Bedros, there can be a number of breathing difficulties due to obesity. One of them is that higher abdominal pressure reduces lung capacity and the fat-laden chest is more difficult to move with a ventilator. The CEO added that when investing in overweight patients, it is not a negligible consideration where to place the obese. This is because patients weighing more than 200 kg may require a special loading bed, which is not available in all care settings.

The document highlights that obesity and lack of exercise also increase the risk of severe COVID-19 disease, as evidenced by databases in many countries. According to the majority of Italian studies to date, processing data from a total of 1,591 intensive care units, the most common comorbidities in patients aged 63 years and over were hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, while lung disease was relatively minor .

In this sense, Róbert Bedros drew attention to the fact that in Hungary about 30 percent of the adult population is obese, and with this frequency we have earned third place on the imaginary podium of the world. Scientific processing of household data has yet to take place among patients treated in hospital or intensive care unit, but the Director General believes that we would obtain data similar to international trends among obese people in Hungary as well.

According to the article, by measuring the number of overweight coronaviruses and the severity of the disease, the data clearly shows that the obese are at higher risk. This finding applies not only to the elderly who are overweight, but to all age groups, as young people with coronavirus who need hospital care are also significantly obese.

In Europe, the proportions are similar: in the UK, 44 percent of hospitalized people were overweight, while in France, 47.5 percent of people in intensive care were obese. The association between coronavirus and obesity can also be seen by looking at which patients had to be hooked up to a ventilator in the past. For lung patients without coronavirus, the proportion of obese patients was 25 percent, but the situation is much worse for mechanical ventilation due to the coronavirus.

Ninety percent of ventilator-connected patients have been severely overweight so far. That is, the obesity rate gradually increases in proportion to the severity of the coronavirus.

You can read the full conversation here.

Featured image: MTI / Koszticsák Szilárd
