Szijjártó: Good luck to Lőrinc Mészáros


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On Friday morning the Chancellor visited the V-Híd Zrt. Machine demonstration, which is of interest to Lőrinc Mészáros, in Debrecen. The company is building railroads for the BMW plant for $ 54 billion. Péter Szijjártó spoke extensively about childhood memories associated with railway construction, as something like the chain of track construction and reconstruction machines bought by the company has only been used once in Hungary so far, under the leadership from Szijjártó’s father in 2004. The minister is therefore particularly pleased that a Hungarian company has bought the machine, which his father still had to sell.

Lõrinc Mészáros, owner of V-Híd Építő Zrt., Will deliver a speech at the company’s birthday event in Debrecen, which is accompanied by a machine demonstration.Photo: Zsolt Czeglédi / MTI / MTVA

As the old Index wrote, Szijjártó’s father’s company had been involved in cartel cases that led to one of Hungary’s biggest fines for years. The cartel took place under socialist governments, the essence of which was that participants cooperated on anti-competitive rail renovations with EU funds. At the same time, when István Szijjártó finally cooperated in the process, to his great surprise in the summer of 2010, his company Vasútépítő Kft.

Photo: Zsolt Czeglédi / MTI / MTVA

Referring to a previous speech by Lőrinc Szijjártó Mészáros, he recalled how stressful the transition to a competitive economy was: “Because in a state company, if an order did not arrive, then the state gave more, compensated for the loss. Or, if an international company has been privatized, its Hungarian subsidiary did not receive an order, so the member loan from the parent company arrived. But if someone started himself and started a business on his own, then if he didn’t win a tender, financial troubles became a daily reality from then on.”.

Here you probably didn’t think about the Mátra Power Plant, from which the state bought Lőrinc Mészáros for 17.4 billion after it became unprofitable.


I think seeing one or two successful and starting to whip Hungarian entrepreneurs these days, we have to say that there is nothing new during the day. But it doesn’t matter, because we don’t have to meet these peopleHe also sent a message to those who found the billionaire’s sudden rise uphill strange. Then he spoke of the need to build the strongest national economy of all time, and it cannot be strong enough without a national economy. “An economy without strong, dominant, and nationally owned companies capable of doing work of national and national strategic importance cannot be strong and autonomous.Added.

Photo: Péter Szijjártó / Facebook

Then he said that only the national economy could be organized at the national level, so while they are in government, the Wallis Group will receive all the help, as will the businesses of Tamás Leisztinger and János Kóka. “ORHowever, we are also not prepared to negatively discriminate against entrepreneurs and their companies known to belong to the national conservative camp.Szijjártó declared.

Then he addressed her separately Lawrenceand said, “countries can be successful, winners of the new world order, with their own national capacities and capabilities in many areas. This is the case for ventilators, mask making, air cargo capabilities, or warehousing and logistics. But the same is true of its ability to carry out transportation improvements on its own.”. V-Híd Zrt. He put this as an example, that he can now perform the most complex railway construction works. He added that so far only foreign companies have been able to carry out this work.they had to be paid, they referred us to them, we had to wait for them”.

Finally, he wishes the V-Bridges, Lőrinc Mészáros and István Sárvári every success, that “Not only in Hungary, in Hungary, in the development of the Hungarian lines network, it should be clear who does the work as a Hungarian company, but on so many rail lines in Europe we can see the V-Híd machine chain as soon as we take an old rail line and put a new one in its place.”.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see

