How to occupy a university, how to make a blockade, on this he organized a four-day Performing Arts camp on his own campus for students


On August 5, almost a month before a few dozen acting students closed the Performing Arts so that the legally elected board of directors, Attila Vidnyánszky, could not lead the university, the Director of Performing Arts distributed among the students a few four day summer vacation. The theme: the failure of representative democracy (that is, everything can be done, the rules of democracy can be broken), the university conquest, how the blockade of the University of Zagreb in 2009 came about, how theater can be more than art, etc. Among the collaborators were Márton Gulyás and Bálint Misetics, but he was also a prison psychologist (being in a closed community for a long time – see blockade), later perhaps the loudest film director (Szabolcs Hajdú) and the Örkény Theater supporting the reserve. The claim of the left, which, of course, nobody believed, seems to be strongly overturned: the students did everything on their own. Not at all. But let’s look at the details, we show the circular and the program quite precisely.

Here’s the letter, but we’ll show it one more time, clearly.

Source: Origo

So the letter, it is worth reading it carefully:

From: Judit Veszprém
Date: Aug 5 2020, Wed 11:45
Subject: Free Summer University
Recipient: Judit Veszprém

Dear students, instructors, and staff.

From August 11 to 14, SZFE students will hold a free non-profit university, whose lectures and debates will be thematically closely or vaguely related to the change of model, its

social sciences, philosophy, artistic aspects. In addition to demonstrating heterogeneous creative attitudes, the program seeks, among other things, to open valves of institutional criticism and examine them in the spirit of a more reflected memory politics

what lessons can be learned from the functioning of the current institutional structure of education; These consequences could help to outline the directions and values ​​that the audience should defend in the next period.

The events take place partly online and partly live on college campuses. (Szentkirályi Garden means the inner garden of the Szentkirályi street building of the university).

Participation in the programs is subject to REGISTRATION, which can be done by filling in the following questionnaire:

Very important! The number of places is limited, so you cannot enter the programs without applying. Register on time!


August 11 (Tuesday)

11:00 – Szentkirályi kert: Conference of the prison psychologist and cultural anthropologist Titanilla Fiáth on the possibilities of living freedom in closed communities.

15:00 – Szentkirályi kert: Lili Kemény talks with Szabolcs Hajdu, Ivan Buharov and Péter Lichter about the situation of independent experimental shooting.

17:00 – Screening of the building on Szentkirályi Street: Screening of the documentary The Blockade (2012), which presents the 2009 university resolution in Zagreb. Later, Hellenbarth Virág (HASZ) talks with Bálint Misetics about the framework of civil disobedience.

August 12 (Wednesday)

11:00 – Zoom: Petra Al-Farman talks with Zoltán Imre, Magdolna Jákfalvi and András Visky about the differences and similarities in educational policy, philosophy, structure and vision of theater training in Budapest.

on contemporary European practice in contemporary theater education.

16:00 – Várkonyi Room: Discussion Forum

What does it mean to be SZFE now? A dramatic discussion forum about our situation.

Creators: Pál Nyáry, Dominik Kabdebon, Bori Oláh-Bebesi

19:00 – Várkonyi Room: Democratic Patio.

What makes democracy, democracy? According to the history of the game, representative democracy has failed, and now from scratch, the Civil Parliament that we have formed must lay the foundations of the new system.

Creators: Bálint Antal, Mihály Csernai, Hanna Milovits, Dalma Magasi, Dominik Kabdebon

August 13 (Thursday)

11:00 – Szentkirályi kert: Fruzsina Tóth talks with Miklós Hadas (Corvinus) and Attila Horányi (MOME) about their experiences in changing university models.

15:00 – Szentkirályi Garden: Lecture by the social psychologist Attila Forgács on the psychology of freedom.

17:00 – Szentkirályi kert: debate forum on university privatizations led by Zsolt K. Horváth and Barnabás Szöllősi.

August 14 (Friday)

11:00 – Szentkirályi Garden: Can we consider theater as a tool? And the theater building as a common space? How can theater become part of a community?

Both in Hungary and abroad, applied arts trends have emerged that reiterate the role of creation and art in society. How can these projects be implemented? What are the possible pitfalls? How is this phenomenon related to other social changes?

Conversation with Júlia Neudold, director of the IRAM / Örkény Köz program at the Örkény Theater, and Márton Oblath, sociologist and sociodrama specialist, about the new possible functions of the theater.

15:00 – Szentkirályi kert: Lecture by the philosopher Tamás Ullmann on the philosophy of freedom.

17:00 – Szentkirályi Garden: Sára Holczer talks with Márton Gulyás, Balázs Sipos, Krisztó Székely and Jakab Tarnóczi about the current institutional structure of the theater.






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Yes, the head of communications for the University of Performing Arts, organized a free four-day university from his acting official email address. (We’ve taken your personal information tactlessly, but if Performing Arts leaders who quit but stay there demand or refuse, we’ll be happy to post them.) They spoke of university occupation, blockade, death of representative democracy. Judit Veszprém organized all this for the field of Performing Arts.

We ask, of course, to László Upor, the vice-rector who has since resigned (but still remains): do you still claim that the students organized the barricade alone?

As is known: Ferenc Gyurcsány threatened to confiscate Attila Vidnyánszky on August 1, the day it became public, he was the chairman of the board of directors. Four days later, the Performing Arts is already organizing a camp to analyze the lessons learned from a university occupation in Zagreb.

Anyway, two artists are particularly interesting.

One of them is, of course, Márton Gulyás, he ruined the Sándor Palace and the SAO building, earlier he disturbed Iván Markó’s dance premiere with his screams (later the great choreographer disturbed him). Olga Kálmán was a regular interlocutor in various propaganda programs, the Cretaceous Circle was organized together with Árpád Schilling, and it is well known that she receives money from the Soros foundations.

Márton Gulyás in a previous demonstrationPhoto: Gábor Szabó – Origo

The other is Bálint Misetics. He is officially used to talking about the homeless, but he has also been shown to be actively involved in the formation of Soros radicals: he was one of the activist trainers who wanted to influence the outcome of the 2018 elections with civil dissatisfaction. (occupation of state institutions, disruption).

Bálint Misetics on May 17, 2019Source: MTI / Tamás Kovács

Although the City for All organization denies having anything to do with Soros, the press revealed that the Soros Open Society Foundations (OSI) were officially behind them in 2011.

Actually, we only have one question: even after the letter is released, will there still be an acting principal who claims that the students themselves organized the barricade and not the teachers (and the left-wing politicians behind them)?
