In Romania, samples are taken almost twice as often, and in Serbia and Austria even more.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

Since the beginning of the summer, Luxembourg has been the test record in terms of population in the European Union, a country with a population of just over 600,000, with almost 650 samples per 1,000 inhabitants, Euronews reported. Second on the list is Denmark, where this figure is close to 500.

According to the portal, although the number of samples has increased in Hungary recently, there are still only 55 tests per thousand inhabitants. At a lower rate, tests are carried out only in Croatia, but there is no test, but the number of people tested. That is, Hungary is actually last on the list, although there are some countries where there is no official data on testing.

Euronews writes that Serbia leads the test list in Hungary, competing with Austria. While in the former the number of people examined is the basis of the statistics, in Austria the tests carried out. In the aforementioned Croatia and Ukraine, the proportion of the population examined is lower than that of Hungarians, the latter being by far the lowest proportion of the population (around 40 per thousand inhabitants).

Romania is third in the region, with around 108 tests per thousand people, which is almost double the proportion of Hungary.

According to a previous WHO criterion published in May, if the positive test rate in a country is 5 percent or less, it indicates that the epidemic is under control.

In Europe, there are more than 10 countries with this ratio: Spain and Ukraine.

In three countries of the region, this proportion is above the 5 percent marked by the WHO as a critical point, the Czech Republic (7%), Romania (6%) and Hungary. And in Western Europe in France (5.4%). In Austria and Croatia, according to the latest figures, almost 5% (4.9%)

This is because in countries where this rate is high, the number of registered cases is probably a fraction of the actual number of infected people. Where this rate is increasing, it suggests that the infection is spreading faster than the increase in the number of new registered cases indicates. In the case of Hungary, the epidemic is spreading faster than what is read in the officially announced data. Most recently, in April, the positive test rate was above 5 percent for 6 days, on April 16 it was 6.3 percent, which was the highest rate so far, Euronews writes.

The G7 wrote that there is more evidence in Hungary because there are more new infected registries.

Since September 1, Hungarian citizens returning from abroad have been waiting 14 days of mandatory quarantine. As this can be triggered by two negative tests, it also contributes to the increased number of samples, according to Euronews.

The portal points out that in the last month, the number of weekly tests has exceeded one million in the United Kingdom, Germany and then France, which is even higher than the number of Hungarians, although we take into account how much more populated these countries are. If we take the French example, the amount in Hungary would correspond to around 150,000 tests a week, according to Euronews calculations.

The number of weekly samples in neighboring Austria has been around 80,000 for the past four weeks. In Belgium, one of the hardest hit by the epidemic, which also has the same population as Hungary, the number of weekly tests surpassed two hundred thousand last week. Euronews.

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Inconsistencies in schools, sliding tests: it is difficult to cope with the epidemic of bureaucracy

Ballai vince
At home

It seems quite illogical in which public educational institution to order distance education or send classes home due to coronavirus infection. Decapitation appears to be even higher in state virus tests.

According to Dömötör, if the GP requests the test, it is free

At home

Only those who will be taking samples at their own discretion will have to pay for the PCR test, according to the Secretary of State.