The candidate for the post of Minister of Family Affairs, Katalin Novák, promised a new package of housing construction and family protection in the Public Welfare Committee. The Secretary of State responsible for the family protection action plan will be Róbert Zsigó.

On Friday, the hearing of Katalin Novák, a minister without a portfolio responsible for families, was held in the Parliamentary Welfare Committee of Parliament.

The politician in charge of the area so far as Secretary of State said that

It is preparing for the largest home building program of all time and will soon submit a proposal to the government on it.

Novak did not explain exactly what elements of the program will be, saying that “the goal is to reach more people with the new program.”

The Fidesz vice president also said that they were preparing for a second family protection action plan, although he did not reveal more about this, he promised information later. However, he said

the secretary of state in parliament will be Róbert Zsigó, who still holds the position of secretary of state in the Ministry of Agriculture.

Novák, who until now has served as Emmi’s secretary of state, added that he will continue to work with his team until now and will not move to another government building.

At the hearing, the politician argued that they had already started positive trends with their measures so far, and said that they are already visible in the statistics. He cited as an example the growing desire for children, the increasing number of marriages and the decreasing number of divorces.

After the committee hearing, the ministerial appointment of Katalin Novák was supported by nine deputies and three rejections.

Viktor Orbán announced last week that Katalin Novák, Secretary of State for Family and Youth at the Ministry of Human Resources, and Vice President of Fidesz, will be the minister without a family portfolio as of October 1. The prime minister justified the decision by protecting the families’ standard of living.

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Orbán: Will have a new Family Minister
At home

The Prime Minister’s exclusive interview was more about political public relations, but it also included some half-sentences about the specifics expected in the field of epidemiology. There will be a new minister, the police will inspect hospitals, penalties are expected for leaving the mask.

With the ministry of Katalin Novák, Orbán's selective family policy can continue


Until now, the focus has been on the prosperity of the middle class, leaving the poor by the side of the road, a question of what will happen now to the masses destroyed by the epidemic.