The side of the official meme humiliates Debrecen students by publishing their photos because they are in solidarity with the SZFE


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Attila Vidnyánszky demanding his replacement, closing the entrance to the university in front of him warriors, Lenin boys, Samuel soldiers called that is, he compared him to sadistic murderers, Bolshevik terrorists. This is not easy to bear, but a pro-government meme has tried to do so.

According to our information, students from various universities will be organizing forums next week, in which the topic would be the change of model that affects higher education, university autonomy, and specifically the SZFE topic. The last few weeks have visibly upset student public life: as can be seen from our constantly updated collection, there have been hundreds of requests from various institutions and spectacular gestures. Recently, 9 universities and two high schools drew messages in support of SZFE:

Also in Debrecen, several people supported the SZFE, which was not left without a word from the Facebook group, which specializes in insulting and mocking the city’s insufficient Fidesz residents, the We don’t want a Soros office in Debrecen. The group, which was formed before the 2018 elections, was led by local and national Fidesz media, gained 4,500 followers, Transparent told many employees of the mayor’s office, municipal institutions and companies, and we had previously written about how they move. pro-government communications. strictly anonymous Facebook page.

Now this group has deceived and embarrassed the artists of the Csokonai Theater who defended SZFE and then went further and removed a montage of students from the University of Debrecen, whom they called serialists and “accused” of organizing a demonstration in SZFE. near.

We hide the faces of the students

During the publication, Tamás Varga-Bíró, the former author of Kurucinfó and the current Pest Guys, commented that even for him, many of the young people in the picture are not public figures, so he believes that he should take office and apologize .

Not long ago, the entire Facebook page disappeared, but it’s unclear whether the operators or Facebook pulled it down or shut it down as a result of the reports.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see

