Index – National – Katalin Novák: I am preparing for the greatest home creation program of all time


Katalin Novák, a candidate for Minister without portfolio for families, also spoke about the housing construction program and a new family protection action plan at his pre-appointment hearing on Friday at the Parliamentary Welfare Committee.

The politician in charge of the area until now secretary of state has announced that he is preparing for the largest housing construction program of all time and will soon present a proposal to the government. The goal is to reach more people with the new program, he said.

He also said that they are also preparing for a second family protection action plan, the details of which will be described later. He announced that his Fidesz deputy, Róbert Zsigó, who still holds the position of Secretary of State in the Ministry of Agriculture, would be his parliamentary secretary.

The issue of families remains a priority

He said that he still has his colleagues, that he will continue to work with his team until now, and that he will not move to another government building. He said they would not operate as “islands”, but would connect with other ministries and institutions with “a thousand threads.”

Among the changes, he mentioned that he will be able to attend government meetings, so he will be informed of the decisions “from the first round.” He also mentioned that in his work he still has representatives of family organizations, churches and academia.

He stressed that the issue of families will continue to be a priority for the government and that its measures will continue to restore the trust of families and encourage them to take on planned children. She believed that her aspirations and measures so far had started positive trends, even with cautious optimism, they are already visible in the statistical data.

As an example, he mentioned that the desire to have children increased by 20 percent, the number of marriages for 43 years was not as high as now, while the number of divorces is at a minimum of 60 years and the number of abortions as well. decreased by more than 30 percent.

In his report, he listed individual forms of family support, among which he highlighted, among other things, the introduction of the family-friendly tax system, the grandparents’ gyed, the extra gyed, the graduate gyed and the construction program. household.

Everyone wants Hungarian families to be better

László György Lukács (Jobbik) congratulated Katalin Novák on his appointment as minister, but said he would prefer to have an independent family ministry. He said that Jobbik had always recognized the good measures taken by the government, but had also pointed out areas where more courage would have been needed.

Jobbik also wants Hungarian families to be the best they can be, he said, adding that they believe a demographic shift would be necessary, but they know this is a very long process.

Tímea Szabó (Diálogo) said that “we are all interested in having as many children as possible in Hungary.” However, according to him, the data shows that the number of births continues to decline. show.

He said that he did not see that the government of the last ten years had brought the expected result. However, she noted that Katalin Novák recognizes the energy invested, but does not consider that the measures taken so far are effective.

He believed that the real problem was that the first and second children were not born, and that the economic situation of single-parent families was also bad, and many of them lived in poverty.

Nine yes, three no

According to Máriusz Révész (Fidesz), the fact that the number of marriages increased from 36,000 in 2010 to 64,000 in 2019 is an impressive figure in the world that the ministerial candidate should advertise with more boldness.

He believed that the increasing number of marriages was also expected to have a positive effect on increasing the number of first children.

Gergely Tapolczai (Fidesz) said the establishment of a ministry without a family without an important government message. He also suggested that during the epidemic, special attention be paid to families raising children with disabilities, who find themselves in an even more difficult situation. Katalin Novák stated that she was open to the representative’s proposals and welcomed them.

According to Lőrinc Nacsa (KDNP), before the pro-family turnaround of 2010, it was the most damaging family policy of all time in Hungary, because resources were constantly being withdrawn from families. According to him, from that difficult situation, hard work now promises results.

After the committee hearing, the ministerial appointment of Katalin Novák was supported by nine deputies and three rejections.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced last week that Katalin Novák, Secretary of State for Family and Youth at the Ministry of Human Resources, vice president of Fidesz, will be the minister without a family portfolio as of October 1; the prime minister justified the decision by protecting the families’ standard of living.

(Cover image: Katalin Novák, minister without portfolio for families, at her pre-appointment hearing at the Parliamentary Welfare Committee meeting in the Albert Apponyi Hall of Parliament on September 18, 2020. Róbert Zsigó (Fidesz) is alongside to the Parliamentary Secretary of State.

MTI / Koszticsák Szilárd)
