Table of Contents – Domestic – We have enough fans in vain if there is no one to handle them


The second wave has arrived, in which we are officially “on our feet”, it was said in an interview with the Prime Minister of Kossuth Radio on Friday morning. Viktor Orbán added that despite the daily number of cases around 1000, he has now opted for a defense strategy different from that of spring, after he believes that medical care is ready this time.

In the interview, Viktor Orbán also spoke of coming directly from the National Institute of Tuberculosis and Pulmonology of Korányi, where

personally convinced that

you will have enough fan and specialist.

Viktor Orbán: We will not have a good autumn

If necessary, further adjustments may occur, the prime minister said.

However, a video was posted on the prime minister’s official Facebook page showing a more controversial image. The doctor on duty is just beginning to tell Orbán that the number of ventilators is less, the lack of professionals operating the machines is the problem, and then the prime minister suddenly intervenes and deflects the issue. So memorable, was the first to speak in an Index article yesterday in this sense, the shortage of health professionals.

We also believe and understand that the government has actually bought fans in large batches for a lot of money, so they definitely get the credit. The main problem remains the current human resource crisis in the health sector, which is not resolved overnight.

commented to the Index in the quoted scene Gábor Havasi ambulance nurse, health adviser from the capital, which he believes the interrupted colleague would have said.

A Momentum politician would also wonder if healthcare workers are being redirected to treat Covid patients, where it will come from, and how the shortfall in other departments will be remedied.

Not to mention that intensive therapy is one of the areas that requires more experience and human resources. When someone is connected to a ventilator, especially if we are talking about an elderly patient, in practically intensive therapy, a nurse can care for up to two patients according to the standards of the profession.

There will certainly be no capacity for this

Havasi explains why the main question is not whether there will be enough hospital beds for coronavirus patients.

Who saw the fans?

The fans, who originally came to Hungary in the order of 16,000, where exactly did they end up, specifically where were they, did anyone see them? Do they work at all? If the government is so proud of their new acquisitions, why haven’t they posted photos of the new toolkit on social media yet?

– György László Lukács, Member of Parliament for Jobbikos, would like to know all this.

Like Momentum, based on the trends of the last decade, they also do not see enough professional capacity in healthcare.

The number of doctors is only on paper, as a significant part of them work in multiple locations. However, if a state of crisis really prevails, a doctor, nurse, etc. You can only work in one place at a time, the second and third jobs, replacements and business solutions are temporarily removed

Explains the politician Jobbik.

The image of health capabilities now painted by the government and the prime minister is also considered false by the DK. The aforementioned video, they say, also supports the fact that there are not enough professionals besides the fans, that is, technicians who operate the devices. Spokesman Balázs Barkóczi also said at the party’s online press conference on Friday morning, as the prime minister has been fleeing the independent press for years, rarely seeing someone face reality.

Test, test, test: free and more widely

In addition to the fact that healthcare, as well as healthcare and education institutions, should have been prepared much more precisely and comprehensively before the second wave broke, orders of magnitude more free coronavirus tests would have to be prepared, they suggest. both Momentum and Jobbik. Just as the contact investigation should have been expanded, it should have been expanded.

In addition, setting official prices for tests may pose problems that private laboratories are not interested in expanding their testing capabilities. Or at that price, for example

a family of four to five can no longer afford to finance the exam on their own,

which can be approximately 100,000 HUF. In particular, equity could be achieved if parents work in the spheres of health, society or education: opposition parties criticize the decisions of the government and the prime minister.
