Index – National – Reassuring the Ministry of Education: they support the virus attack in schools


Three weeks after the start of the school year, the coronavirus epidemic has yet to break out in educational institutions. When asked by Magyar Nemzet, the ministry said that out of more than 13,000 sites, only 14 sites (13 kindergartens and one school) have overtime breaks, and around 150 institutions have switched to digital work hours, but mostly only one class or not the whole school.

According to information from the Ministry of Human Resources, the provisions are temporary, as it turned out that in more and more institutions, students can already return to traditional working hours, for example, more than a dozen such decisions were made on Tuesday.

The government has made it clear several times in recent days:

Certainly, there will be no national school closings or digital changes during the fall, similar to March.

, because the country cannot stop a second time. It is envisaged that even if the coronavirus hits its head, only the affected class, group or institution will be isolated, while teaching will remain elsewhere. This method seems to be working, the infection is not yet spreading like wildfire in educational institutions. The Office of Education can order extraordinary breaks and operational staff can order digital work schedules.

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If necessary, further adjustments may occur, the prime minister said.

Student safety is ensured by a series of precautions, which are summarized in a seventy-point epidemiological action plan. Based on the central recommendation, each school and kindergarten has developed its own local protocol, an important part of which is that parents and outsiders cannot enter the institutions, only with special permission, the cleaning staff disinfects the 24 hours, everyone wears masks in public spaces, and try to avoid confusion in classes, groups of students. In good weather, classes can also be held in the courtyard, but swimming lessons, afternoon sports, choirs, and other leisure activities should be suspended, and celebrations, events, and trips abroad should be postponed.

Another infection record: nearly a thousand new patients

Six elderly and chronically ill patients have died.

In vocational education, a hybrid teaching method combining classroom and home learning also works well. In such cases, groups are shared, students are assigned a project that can be done at home, and take weekly shifts so that as few people as possible attend school at the same time.

Beginning October 1, incoming teachers and students will also need to have a fever test at all educational institutions, and district and district offices will randomly check for cleanliness and the presence of cleaning and sanitizing agents.

(Cover image: A student takes charge of their textbooks at Béla Gyáli Bartók Primary School on August 28, 2020. Photo: Szilárd Koszticsák / MTI)
