The fact of the incident was confirmed by the Czech ambassador. The case is being investigated by the Hungarian police.

One incident led to the arrest of a Czech bus with about 50 passengers on its way home on the Croatian-Hungarian border, he writes Körké They quote the tour guide of the T Split Tour travel agency in question, who ČTK He told a news agency what had happened from Saturday night to Sunday.

According to the guide, the Croatian and Hungarian border guards got everyone off the bus and, after opening the trunk, the driver wanted to take a photo of their identification number.

She also photographed one of them, then turned and wanted to look at her phone when the other woman took her hand. He shook it in defense to shake it off when she fell. After that, several of the border guards jumped on the bus driver.

He explained.

The Czech ambassador in Budapest also knows that there was a conflict between the bus driver and a Hungarian policewoman, but the exact details are unknown.

I can confirm that there was an incident between the driver and a policewoman at the border crossing. The case is being investigated by the Hungarian police. Witnesses are questioned, act according to protocol, and then the bus can continue its journey.

The Zala County Sheriff’s Office reported the case on I write that it is about the driver on duty who complained about the measure and then started videotaping the police and cursing.

Police said the driver on duty pulled away from the border guard in front of him with a sudden movement, then turned and hit him in the rib with his elbow.

The bus was finally released the next day at 3pm, without the driver.

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Czech Republic and Slovakia target each other for coronavirus


Andrej Babis fears that the restrictions imposed in Slovakia affect tourists due to the high number of infected people in the Czech Republic.

Two border crossings between Slovakia and Hungary are reopened


Border crossings were opened for travelers and workers in Borsod County.