Belarus closes borders, threatens war and arms army


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“We are forced to withdraw soldiers from the streets, as I have already said, to put arms in the hands of half the army and close the western borders, especially the Polish and Lithuanian borders. We deeply regret strengthening border protection at the border. from brother Ukraine, together with the Russian president and the defense minister, to work in defense of the federal state. And we have launched long-planned military exercises, “said the Belarusian president.

He stressed that he did not want a war to break out on the territory of his country. “Furthermore, I do not want Belarus, Poland and Lithuania to become the scene of combat activities where our issues will not be decided,” he added.

Lukashenko also asked the Lithuanian, Polish and Ukrainian peoples to:

don’t let your foolish politicians start a hot war.

He claimed that there was no manipulation in the presidential elections on August 9. “I swear to you, there were no lies in the election, you cannot falsify an 80 percent vote,” he emphasized.

He also spoke about the fact that Belarus does not need the approval of the election results by the European Parliament or anyone else. As you said, foreign powers are exerting strong economic, financial and political pressure on your country.

“Neighboring countries are reluctant to recognize the result of the vote and, depending on the Venezuelan scenario, a Belarusian Guaidone or Guaidó was found and declared president,” said Lukashenko’s former Venezuelan opposition leader, Lukashenko. referring to an opposition presidential candidate.

“Just look at how the witness from Lithuania was handed over to Poland and from there to Ukraine. Today, they believe, another atomic bomb was detonated. That is, it was detonated in Brussels, the European Commission has joined in and does not recognize our electoral results either,” said.

“We conducted the election in accordance with the constitution and laws of our country and there is no need for anyone to approve it. The vote was done and it was legal,” Lukashenko said.

In Belarus, there have been constant movements since the presidential election on August 9, in which President Alexander Lukashenko officially said that he won his sixth seat with around 80 percent of the vote, but one of the frauds may actually have occurred. biggest in the world.

The opposition said the president, who had ruled the country since 1994, had failed the elections. The authorities initially tried to quell the protests with relentless brutality, several protesters were killed, many reported being tortured in detention and some have not come forward since they were taken into custody.

Defense Minister Sergei Soygu, led by a Russian military delegation, arrived in Minsk on Wednesday. According to the official statement, the purpose of the visit is to discuss issues of bilateral military cooperation between Belarus and Russia. With the participation of the two countries, a military exercise was carried out in the Brest region with the code name Slavic Brotherhood – 2020.

Upon receiving Soygu, the Belarusian president said that he had asked his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to supply new weapons to Belarus. “I told him that if he visited us, we would see how and where we should realistically strengthen the Federal State. We have nothing to fear, we are ready for that,” he said.

In a meeting with members of parliament and heads of state institutions, Lukashenko called the United States and its “satellites” “aggressors,” including Poland, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Ukraine, noting that the Belarusian authorities had prevented the country from leaving ” destroyed”. “implementation of the relevant scenario.

Meanwhile, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is launching a mission of independent experts to investigate alleged human rights violations and electoral abuses in connection with the presidential elections in Belarus.

The investigation was launched by seventeen OSCE participating states (mainly in northern and eastern European countries) after they said that Belarusian authorities had rejected the organization’s earlier offer to mediate between the government and its opposition. They added that “the response of the Belarusian authorities was to constantly persecute those who would have been willing to engage in dialogue and continue the violent repression of peaceful protesters.”

The European Parliament adopted a resolution on the situation in Belarus on Thursday: EU MEPs condemned the Belarusian authorities for their support and called for sanctions against Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, a state violence organization, and Russia, which provided support for the Belarusian authorities.

Lukashenko called yesterday the narrative myth that a revolutionary situation had arisen in Belarus as a result of spontaneous self-organization. As he said, the phenomenon is not new and it reminded him that similar events occurred in the country in the 1990s. He claimed that preparations for current events began a decade ago, abroad, mainly by Americans.

Cover Image: Ulf Mauder / Picture Alliance via Getty Images
