Coronavirus: St. John’s Hospital asks for help, cannot care for patients


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After St. Ladislaus Hospital and the Korányi National Institute of Pulmonology, St. John Hospital is also looking for help, as its staff can no longer perform the tasks reported by more and more coronavirus patients, the Index writes.

“Although St. John’s Hospital was able to carry out all the additional tasks from its own resources in the spring, and the turnover of patient care was only 40 percent from the previous year, it is now struggling with overcrowding due to a significant increase in coronavirus patients. All hospital departments are operating near full capacity. ” – wrote to the question of the Index of the health institution. “That is why we have asked ourselves to direct us to our additional tasks. “

Now in the fall, there are many more young and middle-aged patients who need to be treated separately. Doctors continue to experience more serious complications in older patients, but they are still fewer than in the spring.

Népszava wrote that both the National Institute of Korányi and Pulmonology and the Szent László Hospital had so many serious patients that the respiratory capacity of both health institutions was full.

According to the Hungarian Hospital Association, the autumn wave of the coronavirus epidemic infiltrated hospitals earlier than expected, and the experience of the first few weeks shows that hospitals are under much greater pressure now than in the spring. The population is now much less patient and much less compatible with epidemiological rules. Andrea Ficzere, president of the association, said that many doctors and nurses have become ill or are in quarantine, making it difficult to care for patients at this time.
