The warning has arrived: the pressure on Hungarian hospitals is much higher now than in the case of the spring coronavirus wave


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The annual congress of the Hungarian Hospital Association is still taking place. Summarizing the key findings of his online national congress, Andrea Ficzere, president of the association, emphasized that “in the second wave of the epidemic, it is particularly important that the population and health workers pay more attention to the use of masks , safe distance, disinfection and to reduce the number of avoidable contacts, as they can almost completely prevent the spread of infection. “

However, in its absence, a coronavirus infection can be easily contracted, which, in the hospital’s experience, can cause even severe symptoms.

– drew attention to the statement of MKSZ.

It is noteworthy that the announcement of the representation of the interest of public hospital managers in the middle of the second wave of the epidemic (whose peak is far from being seen) warns that there is a lot of pressure on the care system. In the light of information from individual public hospitals (at the National Institute of Koranyi and Pulmonology and at the Szent László Hospital, there are so many serious patients that the “respiratory capacity is full”, in the latter institution there are already specialists and St. John’s Hospital to help appealed due to the large number of patients) the question arises of how long the capacity of the care system can be strained.

XXXII of the Hungarian Hospital Association. Participants exchanged experiences on the full spectrum of the coronavirus problem, prevention, treatment, hospital hygiene, patient organization, procedures, and an overview of the latest scientific knowledge on virus treatment.

The summary of the hospital experience also revealed that the attitude of the population changed a lot for the fall, it can be felt that patience and understanding have been exhausted.

At the same time, it is clear that they are tired not only physically but also mentally. doctors and nurses, many of whom are ill or in quarantine, further complicating patient care.

“Hospitals do everything possible for patients who are hospitalized for a coronavirus infection and other illnesses. Given that the health system is currently in a much more difficult position than ever, we ask for the patience of the population and greater compliance with epidemiological standards, and that information on the epidemic be provided only from sources and websites credible and reliable ”. – The president of MKSZ drew attention.

The epidemiological situation was favored by the management of the sector with average financing in the spring period, which allowed the payment of salaries as well as the implementation of acquisitions that created the conditions for safe patient care.

“As of September 1, the system went back to performance funding and additional resources were received to carry out pending interventions. Given that, in the second wave, we will pay special attention to treating, whenever the situation allows, all patients who need hospital treatment, in addition to those infected, MKSZ would consider it necessary to have an average financing that considers as a base the financing of three full months and also takes into account epidemiological costs ”. Andrea Ficzere explained.

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