The ventilation capacity of two Budapest hospitals is complete


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The newspaper recalls the Hungarian Prime Minister’s video message on Wednesday night that everyone should calm down, there is enough medical capacity and everyone will be cured, compared to 24 hours earlier, the health management ordered the National Ambulance Service to Only symptomatic patients should be tested at home. This means that orderly sampling for contacts of infected persons should preferably be carried out in the sampling states to protect the capacity of ambulances. Gábor Csató, general director of the National Ambulance Service, spoke on InfoRádió this Tuesday that due to the growing demand for sampling, the time before ambulances can go out to test a suspected coronavirus patient can be extended from two to three days.

According to the information on the page Ambulances were also instructed to do so. from the head of the ministry that certified and suspected COVID19 patients in need of hospital care can only be taken to designated institutions for care. Thus, people from the capital and the counties of Pest are transported to the South-Pest Center Hospital (formerly László) and the National Institute of Korányi and Pulmonology. The problem is “only” that, according to a letter dated September 14 in Korányi and Szent László there are so many seriously ill patients that “the respiratory capacity is full”. In Korányi, the specialists are already running out: 76 staff members are waiting for different positions and relocated from other institutions, which is cumbersome because they are reluctant to go to any other institution to care for covidium patients, and on the other hand, in the first wave of spring, many have exhausted 44 days to be assigned within one year.

It is important to know that if the capacities of the South Pest Center and Korányi Hospital were complete, patients from the capital and county of Pest can be transferred to eight more institutions. Thus, Szent János, Bajcsy, Péterfy, the Ferenc Flór Hospital in Pest county, the Institute of Pulmonary Medicine in Törökbálint and the University of Semmelweis are also possible. So Viktor Orbán could have referred to this when he realized that there were capabilities and they could even free up beds to receive patients. County hospitals and medical training universities were also assigned to rural patients to screen the population affected by the infection and treat confirmed cases.

Cover image source: MTI / Tamás Kovács
