The problem of the M0 bridge over the Danube is being investigated on site


Traffic restrictions are expected on Sunday at the M0 motorway bridge over the Danube, because such measurements and tests are carried out – Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt. Advertised on their website.

Photo: MTI Photo / Illyés Tibor

Since the second phase of the condition survey previously started at the Ferenc Deák Bridge, experts will conduct measurements and examinations three times during the fall, the first on Sunday.

The employees of Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt. They will build the temporary bypass between 6 am and 8 am on Sunday morning – you can read in the announcement, which was posted by MTI.

During the investigation, a continuous lane in a single lane will be provided on the south side of the bridge. At the beginning of the detour and recovery, road users should wait a few minutes of traffic stopping.

The temporary detour will end no later than 2 pm to 3 pm and the current 3-3 lane traffic regime will be restored. The next measurements are scheduled for October.

In June, RTL Híradó reported that it had been renovated, but that it was not possible to drive over the M0 Hárosi Danube Bridge for a month. After two years of work, it opened in May, but would soon close. This was previously explained by NIF Zrt. Due to the need to reevaluate the condition of the bridge. NIF commissioned studies on the condition of the bridge from the Department of Bridges and Structures of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
