Miklós Kásler made an important announcement to teachers


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Miklós Kásler was asked, among other things, that during the recently concluded national consultation, a large majority of parents and teachers asked for education to start in the traditional order in September.

The Minister emphasized that, from the national consultation, there was a total harmony between the will of the nation and the decisions of the government: save human lives, keep the country running, even launch education in the traditional way. This is possible because they have gained a lot of experience, said the head of the ministry.

Miklós Kásler emphasized that it was foreseen that the virus could appear in some classes, but that it was completely ruled out in all. In Hungary, education takes place in more than 13,000 places, at the moment participation can be measured in parts per thousand, he said. He stated that this situation could be dominated by the transition of some departments to digital education and the introduction of a temporary hiatus for some institutions.

He stated that teachers who are infected with the virus in their workplace are entitled to full sick pay, but not only to them, but to all who are forced to quarantine at home due to such a situation.

Cover image: Getty Images
