Palkovics asks everyone to use this mobile card!


The use of government-developed mobile applications such as the VirusRadar app could save lives in the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic, he said. László Palkovics Minister of Innovation and Technology at a press conference on Wednesday.

According to the minister, as the younger age group is increasingly involved in the spread of the infection, the use of VirusRadar, which helps with contact investigation, is perhaps even more important now than in the spring, so asks more people to download it, writes MTI. He recalled that the ministry had launched 25 research projects to prevent the spread of the virus, one of which was the VirusRadar application, whose development began in March.

VirusRadar has been downloaded by 35,000 people since May and was also available for iOS until mid-September, but this version is not currently available. According to Palkovics, the application also makes it possible to identify strangers with whom an infected person has been in a room for a long time, but whose data and contact details it cannot provide. The minister asked everyone to download the application.

At the press conference Saint King Alexandra A government spokesperson emphasized that 5.5 million people in Hungary use mobile phones and these smart devices can contribute to the effectiveness of defense, for example by increasing the effectiveness of contact investigation.

He noted that people under 40 are more likely to move out of their homes, find more people, so that they can spread the virus more widely, adding value to the importance of effective contact research, in which VirusRadar can help.

(Featured image: Fülöp Dániel Mátyás /
