Slavic: serious complications remain after coronavirus


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János Slavik added: about 40 percent of cases have such symptoms. It also shows that this virus attacks not only the lungs, but almost all organ systems, he stressed.

The data shows that a significant proportion of those recovering from the coronavirus still complain of fatigue for months, he said, noting that the level of lung capacity of the recovered often does not return to the original. People in the intensive care unit can also develop post-traumatic stress disorder, he added.

János Slavik also mentioned that attempts to detect the virus in saliva are already underway in Israel and Hungary. The impact of a successful development would be extremely positive, as it would make the testing process faster and more convenient, the chief physician noted.

As the number of healers in the world increases, there will be unpleasant experiences with the state of health of people free of viruses. Perhaps the biggest echo was caused by the large Italian survey, which found that even people with mild symptoms of the disease suffered permanent damage to health. This property of the coronavirus further reinforces the view that the epidemic should be vigorously protected and a final vaccine solution should be awaited. The release of the virus may cause greater social and economic damage than previously thought.

This is what we pointed out in our recently published article:

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