András Szász did not go to prison.

The police do not find András Szász, 71, who was sentenced by the court last November to three years in prison in the state MVM on the side of István Kocsis as an accomplice or accomplice for continuing with dishonest deals and money laundering . His popular word.

István Kocsis, CEO of the state energy group from 2005 to 2008, who was sentenced to five years in prison as a first-degree defendant, began serving his sentence in March. Two more of his teammates were suspended.

Attila Vadócz, spokesman for the competent court in Kaposvár, said that on July 21 an arrest warrant had been issued in the Saxon case because the convict had not begun serving his sentence. This is also confirmed by the data published by András Szász on the police circular website.

It is not clear why eight months elapsed between the issuance of the final verdict and the issuance of the arrest warrant, but the newspaper believes it has already asked for a postponement on grounds of Saxony’s health. However, this was rejected in the early summer because, according to official justification, correctional institutions are also suitable for the treatment of diseases. Saxony also asked the president for clemency, but this was unsuccessful, according to the newspaper. The prisoner arrived regardless of his arrival,

Except that the interested party did not leave.

According to Népszava sources, Saxony has an extensive system of international relations. Based on this, it is likely that several people have gone abroad, perhaps to Israel. At the same time, there are those who do not rule out the possibility that Saxony no longer lives, precisely because of her precarious state of health.

According to the newspaper, now everything depends on how energetically the police search for András Szász, who, for example, is not registered abroad. At least the man is not on Interpol’s list of public circles.

After ten years of twisted investigation, the court determined in November last year that István Kocsis, as the former CEO of MVM, with his adviser there, András Szász, Istvánné Kocsis and former MVM manager László Varga-Sabján, collapsed further. ten billion guilders from the state energy group. The newspaper wrote.

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