He asked the Minister of Finance to review the bonus-malus system and the rules for the use of damage history certificates.

The Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights proposes an amendment to the legislation on the payment of compulsory auto liability insurance (kgfb). The change may come after Magyar Autóklub filed a complaint with the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights about the so-called bonus-malus system currently in use and the methods for charging the harmful surcharge.

Ákos Kozma, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, stated in his report on the case that, at present, insurance premiums determined on the basis of data from the history of claims can be determined completely arbitrarily by insurers. For example, the regulation does not take into account the fact that insurers have an undeniable economic interest in prices. However, protecting the interests of consumers is not part of the regulation at all.

He also noted that insurers often set excessive premium premiums that deviate from claims statistics, and that current risk-based premium calculation practice often ignores the bonus-malus system, leading to the fact that in some cases even the basic insurance premium can also result in a 150 percent increase for the consumer.

Ákos Kozma asked the Minister of Finance to modify the decree on the bonus-malus system, its classification and the rules on the issuance of damage history certificates. I want the regulation to clearly regulate the rules for the use of claims history data by insurers. Plus, it limits the pest surcharge, an important element of a potential rate hike.

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The damage value of an average car accident is almost 600 thousand guilders.


Last year, HUF 94 billion in damages were caused to motorists by compulsory insurance, which is a historical record.

Germans would make large, fuel-efficient SUVs more expensive


According to a recent draft, a bonus-malus system well known to insurers for the purchase of new cars would be introduced in Germany.