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“Don’t be fooled by the fact that young people are now mostly getting infected and don’t think the older age group is safe. Unfortunately, this is not true at all, ”said Ferenc Jakab, head of the Virology Research Group at the János Szentágothai Research Center of the University of Pécs in an online discussion.
According to daily data, more and more people are using a fan, and “sadly, 80 percent of them never leave a fan.”
“If we look at the simple data, we can already see that deaths will increase a lot in the coming weeks.”Jakab said.
This is also important because, according to Saturday’s interview with Viktor Orbán, the government is not primarily monitoring the number of infections, but the number of deaths in the second wave of the epidemic. The goal is to keep this level low while avoiding major restrictions that would put the economy back on track. Orbán said the school closings would not occur until deaths began to rise.
Virologists in Pécs drew attention to the Florida example last week, where the virus initially spread mainly among the young, but was transmitted to the older age group in 4-5 weeks and mortality rates increased by another 2-4 weeks later.
According to Jakab, Hungarian data is analyzed weekly with mathematicians and epidemiologists.
“I have to make everyone bitter, Hungary has reached second place in France in terms of prevalence of epidemics by population. This is ahead of Spain and well ahead of Italy. Compared to Europe, the epidemic is raging brutally in Hungary according to projected population figures. That is the black truth. “James was also asked about drug developments, in which he said that significant progress has been made, with therapeutic interventions reducing mortality rates at the European and global level. The most frequently mentioned drugs, such as remdesivir or favirpiavir, are “still in the ongoing clinical trial phase”, but their efficacy is difficult to clearly demonstrate.
The university is also working with an Austrian biotech company to study another drug, azelastine hydrochloride, which “also appears to have reduced the virus’s ability to replicate to zero based on experiments on the nasal mucosa.” Then the clinical trials will begin.
Regarding the vaccine, he hopes to have the first results of the recently dismantled Oxford project by the end of the year, and perhaps mass production and vaccination could begin in the first half of next year.
James called the “white-cloaked charlatans” hypocrites who “sound false doctrines on social media. I dare to risk doing more harm to the country at this time than the virus itself. He says that we should not give these people space by arguing with them because then “we are dealing with this problem and these problems have no place. There is an epidemic in Hungary, you have to admit it.”