Table of Contents – Tech-Science – Vitamin D Helps Fight Coronavirus Infection


Found a connection closer than ever David Meltzer, University of Chicago teacher between the level of vitamin D in the body and the possibility of contracting the new coronavirus. Cool investigationcame to the conclusion that

With adequate levels of vitamin D, the chances of COVID-19 are demonstrably lower.

It analyzed data from 489 patients who were an extremely heterogeneous group for the objectivity of the study. All of them were tested for SARS-CoV-2, and vitamin D levels were also measured and recorded at the university clinic the year before the study. The results were remarkable: 21.6 percent of those with vitamin D deficiency received SARS-CoV-2, while among those with vitamin D levels that reached a healthy level, only 12.2 percent of the infected Speed.

However, the results can also be affected by the fact that the samples required for the tests were not taken at the same time, but at different times, which may have affected the vitamin levels of the participants: metabolism or residence time in the day, etc. all affect current levels of vitamin D. According to the researchers, it is also possible that low levels of vitamin D do not directly make the body more vulnerable to the virus, but only trigger processes that can lead to a weakening of the immune system and therefore both to the development of the disease. The effects of vitamin D intake on the condition of coronavirus patients are already being studied, but research leaders promise the results later.

Should I take it or not?

Because of its special, important and multifaceted functions, vitamin D is now also called the new vitamin C. A vitamin, but at least just as hormonal. As long as vitamins are essential nutrients, hormones are regulated. Vitamin D directly controls at least 500 genes and indirectly affects a tenth of our genes. It was discovered by Edward Mellanby in 1919 when he gave cod liver oil to sick dogs with canines. The effects of the unpleasant tasting superfood were unknown, all they knew was that it would arm the body.

It requires a raw material to produce it. For example, salmon or beef contains a lot or forms on the skin under the influence of ultraviolet light. It is then transformed in the liver and reaches its active form in the kidneys. Magnesium, vitamin K, and vitamin A (retinol) are also necessary for the body to use. One of its main functions is to help calcium get into the bones. However, it also plays at least as important a role in targeting the immune system.

When pathogens are attacked, phagocytes turn into harmful microbes. In addition, it releases reactive free oxygen radicals and initiates the division of defective lymphocytes (helper T cells).

When we become infected, the body responds with inflammation. Vitamin D lowers the levels of inflammatory and enhancing substances, such as a molecule called interleukin-6 (IL-6). This is a very important feature: in severe Covid-19 infection, high concentrations of IL-6 are also responsible for the collapse of the patient. Vitamin D is also anti-cancer, capable of acting both at the genetic and cellular level. It has long been a well-known immune-boosting property: for colds, rhinitis, severe respiratory diseases, and various infectious diseases, its use is regularly recommended by doctors.

Several studies have indicated that vitamin D may indeed provide protection against the new coronavirus.


Nor is it good to have little, nor is it good to have too much. As far as we know, with a normal diet, vitamin D is only worth taking for those who cannot make enough time each day.

Normal levels in a milliliter of blood are 30 to 100 nanograms. It also depends on the geographic location, age and metabolic status of who needs it. Research shows that most Europeans are deficient in vitamin D, which can cause osteoporosis or hormonal disorders, among other things. With 15 deca of salmon a day or in the sun for twenty minutes, 15 micrograms of vitamin D (600 IU) is sufficient for most people. However, more than 100 micrograms (4000 IU) are harmful. The situation is different if someone belongs to a critical social group for influenza and Covid-19: in these cases, the recommended amount is 10,000 IU per day for three weeks, followed by an additional recommended daily dose of 5,000 IU up to D – vitamin levels will not be persistent between 40-60 ng / ml.

The recommended intake doses are based on the fact that most people do not stay in the sun or do not have the opportunity to move around in a sunny area. All studies agree that if possible, stay in the sun to get vitamin D naturally.
