Virus scavengers and their demonstrations are a growing threat


More and more virus deniers are popping up around the world, making it difficult to defend against dangerous mindless conspiracies and contributing to the spread of the epidemic. There have, of course, always been conspiracy believers who have resorted to facts based on scientific research by rejecting sober and tangible evidence from Estonia. So far, however, most of these have stayed in the depths of internet forums or community groups, and current protests denying the importance of the coronavirus or advocacy are already putting human lives at risk.

György Gődény, a pharmacist-trained bodybuilder and fitness trainer who constantly refers to himself as a doctor, is the best-known Hungarian representative of the virus deniers. Gödény organized a demonstration for September 11; It is no coincidence that September 11 (and the American terrorist attacks) is a favorite subject of conspiracy believers. Fortunately, denial of the virus is not of great interest in Hungary.

A man carries a protest poster in his hand at a demonstration against the restrictions imposed on the coronavirus epidemic in Berlin on August 29, 2020. The protest was finally broken up by the police.Source: MTI / EPA / Clemens Bilan

There have been reports from several countries that “anti-covid” have also organized a demonstration, including Croatia, Italy, France and Germany. What they all had in common is that the participants rallied against the (barely restrictive) government measures that “violate their human rights and freedoms.”

After protests without precautions, the number of infected also increased significantly in each country.

In Rome for example, two thousand gathered one weekend to protest against the use of masks, distance regulations and possible vaccinations, while several spoke of a “dictatorship of health” in the crowd. In Italy, moreover, the so-called “orange vest movement” began to develop as early as June, after the appointment of the French yellow vests. The leader of this is a former policeman named Antonio Pappalardo, who said about the epidemic that he believes that the epidemic does not exist, it is silly.

He also explained to the Italian news agency ANSA that he believes that COVID-19 is not fatal, only dangerous for those over 80 years old. Is refuted by all scientific data and experience.

In zagreb Thousands also clashed to protest austerity measures, especially the mandatory use of masks since mid-July, emphasizing that they felt their rights and freedoms were at stake. Some protesters have also made statements that “covid is a lie, we are not covidióták“.

Denial of the coronavirus epidemic protest in the historic center of Rome against precautions to prevent the spread of the infection on September 5, 2020Source: MTI / AP / Gregorio Borgia

In Paris Demonstrations and riots are regular, but virus deniers have also escalated here in the summer. On August 29, for example, hundreds protested against the mandatory wearing of masks, later joined by far-left protesters.

This is the largest demonstration to date, estimated at 38,000 In Berlin at the end of which more than 300 people were detained by the authorities.
After a while, the incident turned violent, then, for example, a few hundred extremists tried to break into the Reichstag, the building of the German Federal Parliament.

Similar demonstrations against coronavirus and restrictions have been carried out in the past. In London, Zurich and in vienna it is. In the first, at the end of August, not only anti-virus but also 5G and anti-vaccination marches marched by the thousands. With regard to Vienna, it should be noted that not only have conspirators appeared in recent weeks, but already at the end of April hundreds of policemen violated the police order and organized protests against the precautionary measures.

it should be noted that after each demonstration, the number of infected people increased in that country or city. In Berlin, for example, ten times after a demonstration in early August.
