Trump says it will soon be cooler on the planet


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As part of the presidential campaign, Donald Trump visited forest-stricken California but refused to acknowledge the importance of climate change even in the face of massive devastation, and when an official specifically asked the president not to ignore the scientific findings, Trump said just pay attention, it will soon be cooler. He listened to the president’s words, which he laughed at, while his discussion partner replied that he hoped science would agree with him, to which Trump said with a smile that they would agree, but did not even know about the development. .

The fires in California have so far burned 2 million acres and Trump, like the fires of previous years, now blames poor forest management practices for the spread of the flames. The BBC reports that the issue of climate change could become a prominent part of the campaign anyway, as it is being destroyed by wildfires of unprecedented proportions in several states, and experts agree that although bad practices of forest management may be associated with climate change. they can certainly help with fires. We also wrote in detail recently about why increasingly violent and devastating fires have become more common.

His challenger, Joe Biden, also spoke before Trump’s visit, calling Trump a climate arsonist at an event in Delaware, and said another four years in Trump’s White House would also mean more burning of America.


Climate change is one of the most stark differences between Trump and Biden’s thinking: Trump is notoriously skeptical of the fact of climate change, and during his presidency his administration relaxed or repealed more than 70 environmental regulations when the United States left. of the Paris climate agreement. it is. Biden, by contrast, has taken a dramatic approach to climate change during his campaign and has also announced a major green infrastructure program.

The BBC also notes that despite the sudden outbreak of the issue (: /), health and economic issues may remain the main focus of the campaign due to the epidemic, but younger voters will also need to speak out about climate change. We wrote in more detail Monday about how the reality of climate change has been reintroduced into our thinking this year.

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