It has been decided that a fine of up to 15,000 can be imposed in Budapest for improper use of the mask.


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At the suggestion of Mayor Gergely Karácsony, the board unanimously supported the adjustment. These Regulations shall enter into force on the third day following their publication. expected from friday The use of a mask to cover the nose and mouth will also be mandatory in cinemas and theaters, concerts and circus performances, as well as in the closed spaces of similar institutions and in condominium assemblies.

If someone at these institutions and locations does not wear a mask properly or at all, they may be subject to an on-site fine of up to HUF 8,000 or an administrative fine of up to HUF 15,000.

A fine can be imposed on the spot if the person in question does not comply with the rules for wearing the mask. The public area supervisor has the right to impose a fine on the spot, and the chief notary has the right to impose an administrative fine.

The regulation defines the consumption of food and beverages in these places as an exception. The obligation to wear a mask should not apply to performers, as this would make artistic self-expression very difficult, they wrote in the adopted proposal.

The capital municipality has previously called attention to Improper use of a mask, such as leaving the nose free, is also a violation of the rules. It was also provided that if the number of new infections fell permanently, the obligation to wear a mask would be suspended.

According to another decision last week, a fine of 8,000 HUF will be imposed on those who do not use or do not use the mask correctly on public transport in the capital:

The General Assembly of the Capital has also decided to convene the General Director of the Budapest Transport Center to promote the use of masks by distributing washable masks. In addition, operators of cinemas and theaters owned by the local government of the capital are called upon to provide a mask for spectators who perform without a mask, and operators of other theaters and cinemas in Budapest are asked to do the same.

MEPs decided that the board starts with the government to allow the general meetings of the condominium to be held by making written decisions, whether or not allowed by the rules of organization and operation The Metropolitan Assembly – by 17 votes to 7 and 3 abstentions – He asked Gergely Karácsony to organize free periodic coronavirus screenings for those who work in nursing homes maintained in the capital and to contact the government to introduce a similar measure for those who work in public education and health care. The board also asked the mayor to initiate the government to establish detection points where free coronavirus tests can be conducted for residents in need.

At the meeting, the Metropolitan Assembly accepted the proposal presented to the meeting by the Fidesz-KDNP metropolitan faction, but substantially rewritten with amendments. The representatives of Fidesz-KDNP did not vote in favor of the amendments or the final adoption of the proposal. The metropolitan faction Fidesz-KDNP asked the city administration to set aside 50 billion HUF to help those living in Budapest from tourism.

In her closing remarks, Gergely Christmas said you know for sure, the representatives of the government party who presented the proposal also know that Budapest does not have the money in the proposal.

This is a political hoax

– declared the mayor, then pointed out that economic recovery is a state and not a municipal task anyway.Cover image source: MTI / Tamás Sóki
