Navalny is improving, Putin denies poisoning, Russians canceled foreign affairs meeting


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Navalny is getting better

Alexei Navalny’s health has continued to improve, doctors for a Russian opposition politician trained in Berlin said on Monday. According to a statement from the Charité University Clinic, Alexei Navalny has completely abandoned artificial respiration.

The patient can move more and more, sometimes he can get out of bed.

they added.

The politician, who was treated for toxic symptoms, woke up a week ago from an artificial coma maintained by drugs. They also began to get used to mechanical ventilation.

What happened to him?

Alexei Navalny is one of the best-known critics of the Russian head of state, Vladimir Putin. On August 20, he negotiated with opponents in Siberia and fell ill on the plane back to Moscow. The plane made a forced landing in Omsk. The politician who fell into a coma was taken to the hospital there. His treatment will continue from August 22 in Berlin.

German news magazine Der Spiegel wrote in its weekend issue that German authorities say the Kremlin may be behind the poisoning. The attackers could expect Navalny to lose his life on the plane on the way from Siberia to Moscow.

His death was prevented only by the immediate landing of the pilot at the nearest airport, and doctors immediately began treatment with an antidote called atropine.

Later, after Navalny was hospitalized in Berlin, it was demonstrated in a German Army (Bundeswehr) laboratory specializing in chemical weapons analysis that the collapse of his body was caused by Novics-type combat neurotoxin. Evaluating the results of the Bundeswehr investigation, the German government announced on September 2 that the leader of the Russian opposition had been the victim of a toxic attack in his country. Berlin condemns the attack as strongly as possible, demands that the case be investigated by Russian authorities and that it discuss the response with its EU and NATO partners, they said.

The German federal government said Monday that tests in Sweden and France had also shown Novics in Alexei Navalny’s samples. Moscow demands proof from the German side and claims that no poison was found in Navalny’s body during the Russian investigations.

Putin: accusations against Russia are unfounded

The accusations against Russia in the Navalny case are incorrect and unfounded

– highlighted the information from Russian President Vladimir Putin to his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, according to the Kremlin on Tuesday.

Macron called Putin to tell him that the French investigation had confirmed that an “assassination attempt” had been made against Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny with Novicz-type poison in violation of chemical weapons standards. The French head of state called for an investigation to establish those responsible.

The Russian president pointed out that in order to clarify the real circumstances of what happened it is necessary that German experts to provide biological samples from Navalny and the official conclusions of the tests carried out on them, and to cooperate with Russian doctors. According to the Kremlin, Macron and Putin agreed to seek to help determine the parameters for possible cooperation with European partners on this issue.

By the way, Putin and Macron expressed their interest in stabilizing the situation in Belarus in a peaceful and negotiated way as soon as possible. The Russian president confirmed that he considered it inadmissible to try to interfere in the affairs of a sovereign country and put pressure on a legitimate government.

Concerns have been raised regarding Ukraine over the lack of progress in the implementation of the 2015 Minsk accords, which provide an alternative basis for a settlement. Putin drew attention to the fact that he believes that Kiev is trying to selectively interpret and fulfill its obligations under the Minsk agreements in a specific way.

The parties agreed that further joint efforts are needed to reach an agreement in Libya to implement the decisions made at the Berlin Conference in January, as set out in UNSCR 2510.

The meeting of the foreign ministers of the two countries will be lost

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov canceled his visit to Berlin on Tuesday. the Russian diplomatic ministry said on Monday. The Moscow Foreign Ministry justified the resignation with a change in the agenda of German Chancellor Heiko Maas, who would leave only an hour and a half to negotiate with Lavrov.

According to the Russian portfolio, Lavrov and Maas should have attended the closing ceremony of this year’s crossroads of the partnership between science and public education from 2018 to 2020, which the German side confirmed during the Moscow talks on August 11, but announced on September 3. that shortens the time available for bilateral negotiations due to a change in the program of the German host party. According to the Russian statement, in this way the main objective of Lavrov’s visit lost its relevance.

Regarding the tensions between Germany and Russia over Navalny, Moscow demands proof from the German side and claims that Russian investigations into Navalny have found no poison.

Regarding this situation, it seems to me that our Western partners have simply gone beyond decorum and rationality.

Lavrov told RTVI television on Monday in a statement about the Navalny case.

As he said, Russia has no legal basis to launch a criminal investigation into the Navalny case based on the announcement, so Russia’s Attorney General’s Office requested information on August 27. The Minister stated that the police continued to question many during the preliminary investigation and carried out a series of investigations.

He noted: Moscow has the right to question the truth and professionalism of the West in this situation. “I agree with the political scientists who are convinced that had it not been for Navalny, (Western governments) would have made up an excuse to introduce additional sanctions,” he said.

He drew attention to the fact that the opposition politician is not a chain of coincidences, but he survived thanks to the professionalism of the pilots and paramedics and the medical care he received in Omsk. This is also supported by the earlier Der Spiegel article, which states that after making a hard landing, the pilot received Navalny, an antibody against the Novics at Omsk Hospital, although he would not have received it if he had not had symptoms of poisoning by Novics.

Cover Image Source: Mikhail Klimentyev TASS via Getty Images
