The coronavirus epidemic has been unleashed in the world: the number of new infections is at its peak


The diagnosis of cancer patients has declined significantly amid Australia’s coronavirus epidemic, and the number of cancer examinations, surgeries and treatments has also declined compared to the same period last year, the government agency said on Monday. Australian for cancer.

In an interview with the ABC broadcaster, Dorothy Keefe, director of an agency called Cancer Australia, drew attention to the fact that treatments for late-diagnosed cancers are also less effective. Cancer patients who will only be able to be diagnosed due to the pandemic in the second half of the year will have a good chance of being diagnosed with a slightly more severe stage of cancer.

According to Keefe, there was a 30-50 percent drop in the number of exams and surgeries due to restrictions imposed due to the epidemic. At the same time, he was in a hurry to say: restrictions against the epidemic were absolutely necessary, but they also had unintended consequences.

He also added that the second wave, which mainly affects the state of Victoria, could result in a later diagnosis, although there is no evidence for this in the current data yet. According to Cancer Australia, three of the most common cancers have seen a significant reduction in the number of diagnoses from early March to the end of April, the period when the epidemic peaked in the country. Non-surgical treatments for skin cancers were reduced by 30 percent.

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