Gergely Karácsony: I used to love the numbers war as a child, but now we live in different times.


Viktor Orban In an interview with the M1 on Saturday night, he spoke about the fact that the epidemic is hitting Budapest tourism hard, as more than 90 percent of the hotel’s guests have been foreigners so far.

In this regard, the Prime Minister suggested that a business model be changed in Budapest,

the capital has more than 100 billion guilders of free funds for this, which you can use for this purpose.

Gergely Christmas responded to the prime minister’s statement on his Facebook page on Sunday morning.

When I was a kid, I also loved the numbers war, but now we live in different times. Be clear: the capital has no money to take over government responsibilities. We don’t have 100 billion free, we are 150 billion less

He said.

The mayor added that, in addition to the effects of the epidemic and the economic recession, the government’s austerity measures play an important role in this.

But whoever has the money has the responsibility. I suggest that the government transfer half of the astronomical amounts from the EU Recovery Fund pro rata to local governments, who, regardless of party affiliation, will use it much more usefully than the government.

He closed the mail.

Featured image: Balázs Ivándi-Szabó /
