Index – National – Viktor Orbán: What we should pay attention to is not the number of diseases, but the number of deaths


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I also start every day by looking at the numbers. I don’t like being a bad news messenger, but be prepared for that number to be even higher. What we need to pay attention to is not the number of illnesses, but the number of deaths, Viktor Viktor Orbán said in an interview with M1 on Saturday night that the number of identified 24-hour coronavirus infections broke down to 916 identified infections. If you can keep the death toll low. the success of the defense can be measured in the number of lives saved, the prime minister added.

You have to defend yourself in an emergency, and that was the case in the spring and it is now. if we want to be successful, we need a war plan. It was spring and it is now. In the fall, the situation is much easier than we have experience. In the spring, we faced another unknown enemy, but now we find out. In Hungary, too, we had to worry about whether Hungarian health care could protect people, Viktor Orbán explained. He thanked the doctors and nurses, Müller Cecílía, National Chief Physician. Hungarian healthcare has withstood the pressure and hospitals have prepared for the second wave in autumn. The situation is easier now also because whoever buys time earns a living. According to the results of the national summer consultation, the government knows what the people want, how it should handle the defense. Compared to spring, I am much calmer, I have 1,800,000 people by my side, thank you for marking the defense leadership, which sounds like this: Hungary must work, the Prime Minister referred to the national consultation on epidemiology.

From the phrases of any Hungarian mother or worker you can read that they are concerned if it will not be repeated that the country will have to be closed and then there will be no work, and it is doubtful that the family’s savings will last until the end of the epidemic. They want the country to function – concluded the prime minister.

Things can keep going. Make sure you follow the few safety rules that we have established. Wear a mask, if you feel bad, don’t come between people. You should know that if you can’t visit to go, you can’t, if you just have to wear a mask in the store, you have to follow that rule too. Today we have made some decisions that will lead to sanctions, so if someone enters the store, they will also sanction whoever enters without a mask, but also the shopkeeper.

If the rules are not followed, it must be enforced

– said Viktor Orbán. I would like to make it clear that we are making these decisions in the common interest. We mean, people, these rules are all sensible rules, protection rules, if we don’t follow these rules, we’ll get in trouble. Only this should not be rude, but should be expressed in the voice of cooperation in the public interest, he said.

According to the prime minister, in the spring they did not know how much damage the coronavirus could cause, the point was to reduce the pressure on medical care. Hungary took the hurdle well then. comparing the country’s performance with that of other countries, we were successful in defense.

Until death rates rise, there is no idea that schools should close

Viktor Orbán said. Decisions must be made by listening to professionals and making our decisions based on their opinions. The most important thing now is to react immediately. I meet with operational staff 2-3 times a week, he added.

All professionals agree that people with chronic diseases and the elderly are at higher risk. They are constantly monitoring what is happening, examining whether hospitals are closing and changing nursing home visiting hours, or whether parents can go to school or measure the body temperature of children entering school. As of October 1, this will be mandatory and the conditions will be there. Day by day, we make decisions to protect the lives of elderly Hungarians. But in the meantime, the country must function and I believe that the two things together are possible, repeated the Prime Minister.
