Index – Foreign – Ukraine has never died of coronavirus infection as much as on Friday


Never have so many died in Ukraine on a day like Friday. The killer disease dragged 72 people to the grave. More than 3,100 new coronavirus infections were recorded in a single day, according to data released by the National Defense and Security Council of Ukraine. More than 80,000 patients are being treated for coronavirus infection, an increase of 1,690 in one day.

Since the outbreak, 3,148 have died from the infection and 68,346 have recovered.
Most of the new patients live in Kiev. So far, 8,532 people have been identified in Transcarpathia, and the death toll has risen from two to 282, while 3,690 have been defeated since the outbreak began, according to the MTI.


Photo: SOPA Images / Getty Images Hungary

According to the report on Saturday from the Ukrainian news portal Pravda, Health Minister Maxim Stepanov said it was conceivable on a television show that soon there would not be enough doctors to care for those infected. More than 12,700 healthcare workers have been infected since the outbreak. On Friday alone, 481 coronavirus patients had to be hospitalized.

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