Index – Technology – Tímea Vajna’s Taj number is no longer a secret


We may have gotten used to the fact that people with the flu are also slowly posting what they are posting. We are there with them in every moment of their lives, they share with us their thoughts, experiences, desires and that only the [szponzorált tartalom] Its use will make your skin so velvety when you do your daily workout [szponzorált tartalom] place, cooled, pop in the [szponzorált tartalom] coffee shop.

Welcome to sponsored content from Republic of

The flu may no longer be Hungarian citizens, but rather ambassadors from the Republic of Sponsored Content visiting Hungary. We know what they eat, what they drink, what they like or hate, where they buy, spend, live, live. However, it may come as a surprise to a simple person outside of the sponsored content world who already knows exactly what the uric acid, alkaline phosphatase, or total protein levels are in our favorite flu.

We write these days, Timea Vajna convinced her skeptical followers that she had contracted the coronavirus by delivering photos of her laboratory results with noble simplicity, making public her many personal and confidential data, such as her obscurity (date of birth, address, number of TAJ). tickle. But would I have done better?

You exist in numbers

The answer is as simple and clear as [szponzorált tartalom]. The saying that the style is the man himself has now been modified to mean that the personal data is the man himself. Sure, you could still say that data is the new oil, or that in the digital world you are the commodity yourself, but perhaps anyone who hasn’t lived on an uninhabited island in recent years knows that our personal data needs to be cared for and not shared. as a one-time teacher in reprimand.

Personal data is personal because it belongs to us, our person. We are identified, described and characterized, we appear in the databases with this data, on the basis of which we can use the services, on the basis of which we verify our identity and our rights belonging to various services and systems. Of course, there is other personal information, such as our name, photo, address, sexual affiliation, political opinion or party affiliation, and our health information, so

All information is personal data that, alone or in combination, are suitable for our identification or knowledge.

With a bit of exaggeration, whoever owns our personal information belongs to us. It is no coincidence that the European Union has created the General Data Protection Regulation (GDRP) to guarantee the protection of our personal data and our right to self-determination about our personal data.

Personal information can be misused. In the United States, for example, personality theft is a particularly serious crime, punishable by up to thirty years in prison. And it is not difficult to see that personal data must be obtained and used by the perpetrator for identity theft. If we reveal our personal information about ourselves, the attacker does not even have to make an effort to obtain it. Of course, the question arises, what can scammers and other criminals do with our personal data at home?

According to Tamás Kocsis, cybersecurity expert at Alverad Technology Focus Kft., We can personalize ourselves with the data, and various types of fraud can be committed to our detriment and on our behalf.

  • With our personal data, for example, data thieves can access the mobile service provider to issue them a new SIM card, with which they can obtain the code sent by the bank, necessary to log in to the netbank or even to the transference.
  • The current example is extreme, but it can already feel closer when someone falsely advertises applicants’ personal details by submitting a fake job advertisement, using it to buy mobile phones from a service provider on credit. He sold the phones, failed to pay for the details, causing considerable inconvenience and damage not only to the victims but also to the service provider.

Phishing in the sea of ​​data

The best-known method of obtaining data is phishing, which most people have encountered. In this case, we will receive a letter trying to persuade us to visit a site, such as a cable television or NAV provider, and pay our arrears by credit card. A lot of people take a look at these emails already, as in many cases we get unreliable, Google translated content that is really hard to fall for, but the truth is that professionally created content can get a lot of people to click on it. .

Imagine that a well-written letter sent by NAV or that appears to be NAV not only indicates that we are paying, but that the letter is personalized, including your name, address and, for example, our tax number or other personal information that only we create we know, then many more will fall for the scam.


The TAJ number is personal information that is not found in a public search database, so it is really unfortunate to share it with the world. The TAJ number alone cannot be misused, but together with other information such as date of birth, home address, mother’s name, it can already be used to identify us, especially when normal operations are disturbed and simplified. in many places due to the epidemic. Weaker processes and possibly controls have been introduced. Health institutions can check the consistency of the TAJ number provided with other data, but still, you may be conducting private testing using data obtained from someone else.

Fake, stolen or purchased prescriptions can also have the TAJ number obtained written on them and thus trigger medications. You may hear cases where, probably by mistake, a doctor or surgeon prescribed state-sponsored tests on a patient that had not been done anyway. Abuse of the TAJ number can generally cause harm not to the data subject, but to the healthcare facility and the state, but whoever has access to the Client Portal can verify the life of their own patient so that lost evidence can be easily reviewed and reported.

It is important to note that

Usually, the disclosure of not a single piece of personal information can cause the problem.

If the fraudster already has information about us, he can even call us and prove his worth by knowing our personal information. You may not be able to misuse the information available before the phone call, but if you read us our address, our mother’s name, our tax number, or even our TAJ number, “data reconciliation” may convince us that he really is who he claims to be. and we can even publish more data about ourselves. The more personal data we have in your possession, the easier it will be, says Tamás Kocsis.


Therefore, our personal information must be protected, that cannot be a problem. The more information we disclose about ourselves, the deeper or larger our “fingerprint”, the more we can become targets of a scammer and the easier it will be.

The best way to protect yourself against phishing and other Internet scams is to use the Internet consciously. For those who are interested in how to protect themselves against the dangers of the Internet, we recommend the information and help of the National Institute of Cyber ​​Protection and the Saferinternet site, which works so that children use the Internet safely.

Returning to the case of Tímea Vajna, we hope that her shared data will not be abused, in a good case, perhaps the only thing that happens is that Dr. Gődény recommends a vitamin C cure for her based on her findings.

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