Staff from the Department of Public Health of the Government Office are also constantly present at both affected sites in the home.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the spring, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

The government office in the capital performs immediate disinfection at the Kamaraerdei nursing home. The government office confirmed the Budapest municipality’s announcement on Thursday night that a total of 29 people at the two sites in the house, Kamaraerdei út and Rupphegyi út, were infected with the corona virus.

There are 13 caregivers and 2 employees at the Kamaraerdei út institution, 12 caregivers and 2 employees at the Rupphegyi út institution.

An elderly person cared for by the deceased is in 24 hospitals, most of which are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms.

The Government Office XI. The Public Health Department of his district office is present in both places, and ordered an epidemiological short-circuit in the affected building C in the house of Kamaraerdei út.

The coronavirus reappeared in the Kamaraerdei út nursing home in early September.

The former editorial office of has essentially ceased to exist, the country has lost its most read online interface. This is one of the most serious blows to the independent Hungarian press and freedom of information to date. The number of independent power editorial boards is steadily declining, and those that still exist are trying to stay afloat in a growing headwind. At HVG, we persevere, not giving in to pressure to bring in national and international news every day.

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There was also an interrogation of the suspects in the case of the head of the institution who had fallen out with the fake doctor.
At home

After it turned out that he had not obtained a Ph.D. at the University of Debrecen, he had to leave XXII. Csilla Daróczi, a social educator, who was investigated by the local government. She resigned from the Pázmány Péter Catholic University for the same reason, but soon after she got a new job in a nursing home maintained by the capital.

There are 29 coronaviruses in Kamaraerdei Road nursing home, one caregiver has died

At home

The district chief physician ordered that one of the institution’s buildings be placed under epidemiological closure.