Trump was not afraid of the fallen journalist, he was cold


Donald Trump thought it a good idea to talk to Bob Woodward, who once toppled a president. It did not bake well.

No American president has written as many books during his tenure as Donald Trumpról, and these, with a few exceptions, were full of scandalous details. The White House is already routinely reacting to accusations made in the books: a politically motivated attack full of lies, not a word of which is true, it is all just a fiction to harm the president.

The legendary American journalist, Bob woodward however, in the case of his new book, this defense no longer works. The most poignant details in the text are all quotes from Trump. As proof of this, there are even sound recordings.

For American presidents, it has become almost a kind of initiation ceremony that the Richard Nixon a legendary journalist who plays a huge role in their overthrow writes a book about them. He had done this with Trump before, and there was no appreciation either: a Fear The volume cites statements and anecdotes that paint the worst picture of him and his surroundings.

However, Woodward has now written another book on the Trump presidency. What’s more, with the president of the US agreeing to give Woodward interviews for his new book, quite a bit: They have spoken 18 times and the journalist has a total of nine hours of audio recordings of them.

It’s hard to defend against the fact that it’s all just fake news when there are sound recordings.

One of Trump’s campaign advisers told CNN.

A Political According to their information, White House staff were also upset about the consequences of Trump’s opening to the journalist. However, the president is reportedly confident that he will be able to get the veteran journalist to his feet and, if you speak to him, he will introduce him in his new, more comprehensive book than in 2018. Fearin which he described the Trump presidency as “a complete nervous breakdown.”

Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images / AFP

Two years ago, his staff hid from the president that Woodward was writing a book about him, the Fear however, after his release, Trump promised that this would not happen again. Therefore, since December of last year, Woodward not only allowed him to speak with him, but on several occasions he himself called the White House journalist at night, in addition to encouraging his senior staff to speak with him as well.

The decision came as a total shock to Trump circles. He is one of the president’s staunchest supporters Fox News one of the presenters, Tucker carlson all the way he went therewho thinks about everything Lindsey graham, a Republican senator who had become a Trump supporter from the president’s enemy, spoke to him because he wanted to hurt the president with this strange method.

Trump supporters were not concerned for any reason, it was not by accident that his direct staff began to blame each other for the interviews, as people working on his campaign were shocked by the details that came out. The accusations in the book and Trump’s own words could be a serious concern to the president preparing for re-election, just eight weeks before the presidential election. In particular, the statements he made about the coronavirus epidemic may backfire.

He lied about the virus to Americans

The biggest uproar was caused by the fact that it became undeniable: Trump did not tell the truth about the danger of the coronavirus. As early as February 7, the president told Woodward that the virus was “much more deadly than the flu,” while telling the public the exact opposite, and for weeks telling Americans that the coronavirus was no more dangerous. than the flu, and not at all. you don’t have to worry about it.

In an interview in March, he also admitted to Woodward that he had deliberately reduced the magnitude of the danger, claiming that he did not want to cause panic. However, critics said it was due more to the fact that Trump, who based his presidential campaign on the good state of the US economy, feared that epidemiological measures would cause economic damage that would jeopardize his presidential victory.

Furthermore, polls show that most Americans are unhappy with the way Trump handled the epidemic, and if the coronavirus will occupy voters in the coming weeks, it could hamper his re-election campaign. Democrats, who have made the epidemic one of the main themes of their campaign, have already used Woodward’s images to attack Trump.

But the Lincoln Project, made up of Republican anti-Trump activists, also showed how Trump’s words can be used as a weapon against Trump.

The president on Wednesday at Fox NewsIn an interview with, he couldn’t do more than admit that he hadn’t told the truth about the virus, but explained that he was driven by good intentions – he didn’t want to cause panic.

Although the statements about the epidemic in Woodward’s book caused the most stir, there are other curiosities among the details that have already been made public.

Boasted of having a super secret nuclear weapon

So far it has been known that Trump likes to show off what he knows about everything, which is so true that American intelligence is supposedly not even telling him everything because they fear he will unravel the secrets. He demonstrated this fear during a conversation with Woodward when he betrayed the existence of a super-secret nuclear weapons system. HE Washington PostAccording to an excerpt from a book published in 2006, he told the journalist how close the United States was to a war against North Korea when he said:

I have built a nuclear weapons system that no one in this country has had before. We have things you’ve seen and never heard of. We have things that we know Putin and Hello (Chinese President Qing-ping) has never heard of him. (…) What we have is incredible.

Woodward said people who later spoke anonymously confirmed to him that the US military did have a new secret weapons system, but no information about it was released. The reporter added that they were very surprised to learn that the president had told them.

Kim Jongun’s love letters to Trump

It has been reported several times in the American press that foreign leaders soon realized how easy it is to get Trump off his feet if they praise him during negotiations. North Korean dictator Kim Jongun raised this to a really high level and nearly filled Trump with love letters, even showing them to Woodward.

According to the published details, Kim wanted “another historical encounter between his excellence and me, which is like a scene from a fantasy movie.” In another letter, he wrote to Trump: “I am delighted to have established good relations with such a powerful and eminent statesman as His Excellency.” And in a third, he remembered

to the historic moment in which I firmly held the hand of His Excellency in that beautiful and sacred place as the whole world watched with great interest and hope.

Photo: Saul Loeb / AFP

Trump had previously bragged to other such letters, publicly stating that they had “fallen in love” with the North Korean dictator, who, as Trump had now revealed to Woodward, had even told him in detail how he had executed his uncle.

Woodward said the CIA called Kim’s letters a “masterpiece,” and although they did not know if he actually wrote them, intelligence analysts “admired the experience” in writing exactly the letters they could draw with pride in their own greatness. Trumpot.

Can Putin blackmail Trump?

According to Woodward’s book Give coatsTrump’s former national security adviser “could not get rid of the suspicion” that Putin “knows something about Trump” because he could not explain the president’s behavior to anyone else, although he had no proof of it. Coats at one point considered resigning because of the way Trump had treated Russia.

James MattisWoodward, a former Trump defense secretary, said that Trump’s presidency was dangerous for the country because he was unfit for the job and once told Coats that “the time may come when we need to take joint action” against him. And in a conversation, he told him that Trump “has no moral values”, to which Coats said:

True. For him, a lie is not a lie, only what you think. You do not know the difference between the truth and the lie.

Featured image: Doug Mills-Pool / Getty Images / AFP
