According to Gergely Gulyás, neither the SZFE, nor the tests, nor the Super Cup should be decided by the government.


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

Gergely Gulyás, Minister in Charge of the Prime Minister’s Office, spoke about the SZFE case, the free trials and the Super Cup final on Straight Speech on Thursday night. Gergely Gulyás had the same answer to every question: the government washes its hands.

Acknowledgment that SZFE is calling the government

Gergely Gulyás watched the SZFE demonstration on Sunday from his office window, and everything filled him with good feelings, because:

  • Educated protesters participated in it and protesters were able to exercise the rights of a normal parliamentary democracy, which “was not yet the case under the socialist government.”
  • and because he felt a bit like the students were protesting because “they want the government to come back, so there’s a kind of recognition for that.

According to Gulyás, the essence of changing the university model is that the state withdraws from higher education and that the government does not decide in which direction the university should take.

When the presenter asked why none of the university’s candidates were included on the SZFE board of directors, Gulyás only said that he thought great professionals had joined the board of directors that they deserved a chance.

Emília Krug has also been investigating for a long time whether the government has no responsibility in the SZFE case and should not somehow resolve the situation.

“It cannot solve this situation because the government cannot remove the members of the board. I don’t see any reason why the government should have any responsibility in this matter, ”said Gulyás.

WHO decides who should get tested, not the government

Gergely Christmas wrote a letter to Viktor Orbán asking the Prime Minister to make the tests free and more widespread.

According to Gulyás, the test is still free for everyone, unless someone returns home from abroad or does not fall into the category of people who should be tested according to the WHO protocol, for example, they have no symptoms or direct contact . However, according to Gulyás, since the test is paid for with taxpayers’ money, it is worth following health care protocol and not testing everyone for no reason.

According to Gulyás, teacher tests are also required only based on the WHO protocol, and schools do not need more specific epidemiological instructions either, because the conditions are different in each school.

When the presenter raised the need to wait several days to carry out the tests because the ambulances have no capacity, the minister quickly stated that this was no longer the case because yesterday the ambulances doubled their capacity to be able to test everyone in up to 48 hours.

The super cup will be super safe

Emília Krug raised what would happen if the 500 paramedics to whom he was invited fell ill in the final of the Super Cup. However, according to Gulyás, this is almost impossible.

“There are such strict rules for the Super Cup final that it will be safer than going to a community anywhere else. Everyone can enter with a test, “he said.

Surprised by this, Krug asked if the Hungarians would be evaluated according to them, because until now it was only about the foreigners having to pass a negative test before entering the arena.

Gulyás felt a bit embarrassed by this and said that it was not up to the government to decide (although they decided that foreigners could only try football), but that later UEFA, together with the organizers, would decide whether the Hungarians should be tested as well. . before entering.

“We strive so that professional matters are not decided by politics,” he concluded.

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