Flight attendants fought with a family over not having a mask on the 19-month-old boy, so the public mood on the plane became such that even the flight was canceled.


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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The flight was canceled by Canadian airline WestJet because an onboard dispute broke out between flight attendants and a family over the fact that one of the family’s children was not wearing a mask, MTI writes, according to the BBC.

The plane was set for take off from Calgary to Toronto on Tuesday, when flight attendants noticed a three-year-old boy and a 19-year-old boy were without a mask, urging their parents to put on a mask as well.

Father Safwan Choudhry said his three-year-old daughter took off her mask because she had just eaten and his 19-month-old daughter was crying hysterically.

The man asked staff to let the girl finish eating, but this was not allowed, so the three-year-old girl immediately put on the mask. However, the 19-month-old could not get on because she was crying so much that she vomited.Therefore, the flight attendants asked the family to leave the plane and also requested police assistance.

The father said the flight attendants acted very aggressive against them, threatening them with arrest, indictment and imprisonment if they did not leave the plane.

The man said that many passengers sympathized with them, but there were those who condemned them, although he and his wife were masked all the time, behaving with respect. In the end, however, they couldn’t do anything else, they had to abandon the plane.

After the family left, the airline canceled and postponed the flight until the next day because the atmosphere on board did not make the crew feel safe.Later, the family investigated the Canadian rules and found that the 19-month-old didn’t even have to wear a mask. WestJet, however, said in a statement that the three-year-old was also not wearing a mask. However, according to the recording of the father’s phone, the girl was wearing a mask and the police officers who boarded also confirmed that the girl was wearing a mask.

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