Gergely Karácsony wrote a letter to Viktor Orbán about the coronavirus epidemic


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Christmas informed Viktor Orbán that the Metropolitan Operational Tribe had made several decisions in recent days to defend themselves. “We strive to achieve full use of masks in public transport and to prioritize the care of our social institutions and their employees. As a basis for these decisions, we consulted with the president of the Hungarian Medical Chamber as well” – he said. The Medical Chamber and the experts invited by the Government have reached similar conclusions, in connection with which I feel the need for a Government resolution as soon as possible on the following issues – writes Christmas, putting her thoughts in points:

  • Experts requested by the Government, as well as experts from the Medical Chamber, consider it important “to immediately expand individual tests, so that free tests are available throughout the country.” Perhaps there will also be indications for the Prime Minister that for many people, paying for tests will be an insurmountable burden, even if it is up to them to keep their jobs and go to school. Obviously, we agree that no Hungarian can lose his job and no child can drop out of school just because his financial means do not allow him to comply with mandatory state protocol. So I ask the Prime Minister what the government plans to expand testing capabilities and make free trials available, asks Christmas.
  • In more and more educational institutions, managing the epidemic among young people and observing state protocols is a problem. In this regard, Professor Béla Merkely, Rector of Semmelweis, suggested that it would be useful to provide free state exams for teachers. I think the proposal is compatible, I would also ask the Prime Minister to consider it, says the mayor.
  • The government and other experts also note that young people are particularly affected at the beginning of the second wave of the epidemic, and while for most of them this does not even require hospital care, foreign examples draw attention to the fact that In 4-5 weeks the infection can be transmitted from the very young to the old. It would be important to know what the government plans in the event of such a scenario, writes Karcsány.

“I would like to inform the Prime Minister that I would like to share this letter with the public and I trust that the Prime Minister will contribute to publicizing his response as soon as possible,” concludes Christmas.
