Brexit: you can enter the EU, historic today


Temptations peaked in Brussels after the news leaked on Monday in fact, the British government is preparing to break the EU exit agreement ratified in January with the internal market bill announced yesterday afternoon. As we have written, rather than a joint committee, it would give British ministers significant decision-making powers in the field of trade, and this would clearly violate the exit agreement that the British government functions as an international agreement and law.

The fact that they are preparing to violate the law was already openly recognized on Tuesday by one of the British government ministers and later Vice President of the European Commission, Maros Sefcovic. called an extraordinary meeting at the EU-UK Joint Committee, which will take place around noon in London on Thursday. For the first time, British Minister Sefcovic and Michael Gove are discussing face to face what the British government’s true intentions are with yesterday’s bill (whether they are bragging to force concessions outside the EU or taking a big step towards an agreement without agreement), then together with the other experts.

According to Politico in Brussels and London, more and more senior decision makers believe on both sides of the channel: in fact, the British government wants to move towards a deal without a dealis convinced that it is in its best interest to trade with the EU as an external third party under normal WTO rules, and at the same time is in a better position to trade with the EU in terms of fishing rights and state aid rules, because has a greater power of decision; this situation gives you freedom. The latter was also openly announced yesterday by the British government, which also annoys the EU as it would impose even fewer restrictions on government support for British companies, which could lead to strong and unfair competition for many EU companies. .

After a key conciliation this afternoon, the chief negotiators of the EU and the United Kingdom on Brexit, in principle, will sit at the negotiating table from 2:00 p.m. These consultations will be, in principle, the object of some communication by both parties, i Early care will be provided in the early afternoon until late afternoon, because from these communications it can be deduced how to proceed:

whether the EU will stop the negotiations or continue and possibly make concessions to the British in the background.

The first, obviously, points out that, in the end, there will be no commercial agreement in force between the two parties from 2021, while the second indicates that it can still be finalized.

Bloomberg, meanwhile, learned that the EU is considering taking action against the UK by yesterday’s bill, because it would openly violate the exit agreement (the latter includes a dispute settlement framework that allows the EU to initiate proceedings even after January). What is extremely important, then, is what will happen in the next few hours and will fundamentally influence the direction of the Brexit tragicomedy that has been going on for 4 years.

A British government minister said: its controversial internal market bill aims to force concessions out of the EU (change the mandate of chief negotiator Michel Barnier Brexit) and so that the commercial agreement can finally be finalized. The big question is whether the EU will allow this outright blackmail in addition to its own well-conceived interests. If you stop the negotiations, you run the risk of burning him down later – you were to blame for the interruption of the negotiations. So, in principle, you should pretend to be constantly willing to agree. However, you cannot continue this strategy indefinitely if in fact you have already made up your mind during the British government – you do not want to agree anyway and are therefore pushing the process towards no-deal Brexit. At that time, the EU will be considered blind because it did not realize it in time.

The chairman of the European Parliament’s Trade Committee, who has an important role to play in overseeing the Brexit negotiations, has already Calls on the EU to suspend negotiations with the British Government, to clarify what the British want with their internal market law.

According to Reuters analysts on Wednesday there is already a 40% chance that there will finally be no trade agreement by the end of the year (A month ago, the market put this risk at 30%), but ING’s interpretation of the situation on Thursday morning is already 50-50% that there will or will not be an agreement.

Meanwhile, there is also hourly pressure on the British government, because if it really openly violates the international agreement, other states will not take its word seriously, making it difficult for it to move forward in the conclusion of trade agreements. Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, has already said: If the British violate an exit agreement that also guarantees peace in Northern Ireland, there is no chance that Congress will ever grant a blessing to a British-American trade agreement.

Cover Image Source: Leon Neal / Getty Images
