Index – National – To pay for emergency care for TB debtors


Those who accumulate debts six months after July must also pay for emergency care – read the article on About this Zsolt Kiss, Director General of the National Health Insurance Fund (NEAK), spoke at a conference on WednesdayME trade conference.

It is recalled in writing that it has already been revealed that those who lose their TAJ number due to debt can only receive deferred medical care after the bill has been paid in advance, but emergency care has been an exception until now, presumably by its nature because human life generally depends on it.

This was modified by a decree of the Ministry of Human Resources at the end of the summer, according to which

Anyone without a valid Taj number must also pay for emergency care.

However, it allows the ministry to make a after a life-saving intervention, pay the debtor to whom he or she or a family member the anticipated costs must be communicated before the intervention. Hospitals can request as much money as they would receive from NEAK at the end of treatment, but a maximum of 750 thousand florins.

“But what are they on the payroll? For example, accidental injuries, poisonings, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorders, heat damage, electric shocks, water accidents, acute abdominal disasters ”, recalls the article by Népszava. It goes without saying that every minute or even second counts in the cases listed. Just think of the example mentioned above, who would say no to the life of a family member, so the decree essentially creates another debtor trap.

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Zsolt Kiss, CEO of NEAK, emphasized that the new Social Security Law will take effect from July and the tax office will be monitoring it for the next six months. Whoever accumulates half a year of debt, with him your TAJ number is mandatorily invalidated by NEAK, and your “lamp” will be brown when eligibility is verified. This will be seen by your doctor on their computer and will no longer be able to administer it with public funds.
