Index – National – A ban on hospital visits has been imposed


The national medical director ordered a total ban on visits to all medical and hospital care facilities in the country, the National Center for Public Health (NNK) told MTI on Wednesday.

The measure in force since Tuesday also applies to private and publicly funded providers. The NNK ordered that protective equipment be provided during the visitation ban.

In the case of a patient with a serious, life-threatening or end-stage condition, a parent or legal representative may be present in addition to a relative, minor patient and in the case of a mother mother, a person designated by him or her. she.

The decision also states that, in the context of individual equity, the hospital may, after a risk assessment, consider the possibility of contact and, if warranted, may provide it in other cases. In case of violation of the provisions, a health fine of thirty thousand forint to five million florins may be imposed.
