Index – National – Seven thousand people are asked to take a coronavirus test every day in Hungary


Due to the escalation of the coronavirus epidemic, seven thousand people are tested every day, so the number of patients needed to deliver the results had to be increased, said the national medical director, Cecília Müller, at a conference online health.

He stressed that even during the second wave, the focus should be on the protection of elderly and chronic patients belonging to the most vulnerable group, which is why a total ban on hospital visits was imposed. Curfews, visits, and admission restrictions have been introduced in social institutions.

Currently, the disease mainly affects young adults, aged 20 to 29 years, so the death rate is lower in Hungary.


Responding to a question, Cecília Müller said that even if there is a vaccine, it must be administered to those who work on the “front line.” The vaccine should be available first to health workers, then to high-risk groups (the elderly, chronically ill), those involved in the country’s public service and educators.


According to Cecília Müller, the measures taken to start school are up to the expectations placed on them. If there are or will be infections, they say they are isolated cases. The national medical director asked educators to take work in a healthy way. In several cases, a symptomatic teacher went to the school.

General practitioners

Cecília Müller also evaluated the work of the GPs during the last six months at the conference. The medical director said there were interruptions, but the colleagues were basically right. The telemedicine system, telephone prescribing and electronic health services have also proven useful.
