Index – National – BKK punishes for lack of mask from today, non-contradictory measures come


In Hungary, the number of illnesses caused by Covid-19 has started to rise again in recent weeks. Compliance with the mandatory mask use rule plays a key role in preventing and slowing the spread of the virus. The vast majority of passengers continue to comply with the regulations in a disciplined manner, but there are those who, despite the regulations in force since April, still do not cover their faces when traveling. To curb circumvention behavior, the BKK will toughen it up based on the decision of the capital’s operational staff.

As of September 9, that is, as of today, a greater number of people will be inspected and, in addition to the possibility of exclusion from the trip, an on-site surcharge of 8,000 HUF will be imposed if someone is not covered or not covered. covers the face adequately when using the public transport service. with mask, scarf or shawl

– the company writes in a communication sent to our portal.

The inspectors of the Budapest Transport Center and the staff of the Police Directorate of the Metropolitan Municipality will verify with a greater number of passengers if the passengers comply with the provisions of the Decree of the Capital City and the Government on the mandatory use of masks.

In accordance with the regulations in force for several months, in order to prevent and stop the spread of the coronavirus, public transport vehicles and stops should only circulate with a mask and, failing that, with their face covered with a scarf or shawl. Due to the increasing number of illnesses, it is of the utmost importance that all passengers comply with the regulations, therefore, based on the decision of the operational staff of the capital, BKK is reinforcing the inspections. From now on, in addition to the possibility of being excluded from the transport service, a surcharge will also be imposed on those who do not wear or do not wear a mask, shawl or scarf correctly. If the mask is used correctly, it will cover both the mouth and the nose.

(Cover image: Passengers wearing a mask on BKV Flight 80 on August 31, 2020. Photo: Index)
