Contents – Belföld – Bence Rétvári: It cannot be emphasized enough that the tests carried out do not protect us


Member of Parliament János Bencsik asked the Parliamentary Secretary of State for the Human Resources Ministry why there is no contact investigation if someone is found to be coronavirus. The answer is:

It is not epidemiologically or virologically necessary to find the contacts of people who have come into contact with people infected with coronavirus. (…) It cannot be emphasized enough that it is not the tests carried out that protect us, but rather compliance with hygiene standards and epidemiological measures.

Speaking of János Bencsik’s question, he was given his Immediate Article, the essence of which was that the author’s friend became a coronavirus, and he volunteered to the authorities to help find his contacts, but this was not deemed necessary. Bence Rétvári also referred to this in his reply, noting that the journalist’s statements Unworthy against healthcare workers who bring the best of their knowledge in the current situation.
