An explosive epidemic in Hungary: selective hardening has already begun


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Experts called for restrictions

In parallel with the outbreak of the second wave of the epidemic at home in the last two weeks several experts and representatives of organizations called on the government for swift and effective austerity measures to avoid the dangerous and frightening consequences (here, here and here). Among the proposals, greater protection of vulnerable age groups and social strata (for example, the return of the shopping lane for the elderly), effective control of the mandatory use of masks in all enclosed spaces, and restrictions on meetings Larger social / institutional were the most common, but there was already Stay Home! “He also proposed to relaunch the campaign.

Despite professional impulses in the last two weeks there was no action announced by the government with a big snort, loud messages, press conference outside the border lock, which has been mutually successful and has been classified as illegal. According to the official reason, the main objective was to avoid the introduction of foreigners, compared to the measures that were taken in a few days to relax in various areas (citizens of Visegrád countries with a rising epidemic curve, daily travelers and business visits and sports). .

This case has already shown that the second quarter is also one of the largest declines in GDP at the EU level. its main goal is for the government to curb socio-economic damage as much as it can, even in the event of an outbreak. By the way, the highly publicized initial full foreign border blockade would not have alleviated the epidemic at home anyway, but it could cause serious damage, especially in the tourism and hospitality sector, if the original rules survived.

The government emphasizes the economic consequences

After all this, even stronger messages came from the government house, but not about planned comprehensive austerity, but about how to avoid them if possible:

  • First, on September 2, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó stated that in the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic the partial shutdown of the Hungarian economy that had been seen previously should be avoided, and one of the best tools for this is a series of restrictive measures applied at the borders.
  • The next day, he also said that the rules of the border blockade will be in force until the end of September, and then they will see if the epidemic makes it necessary to go in the direction of tightening (but in which area, he did not mention). He believed that if the Hungarian economy closed once more and schools closed once more, it would have dramatic economic and social consequences.
  • On September 6, Csaba Dömötör, parliamentary secretary of state in the Prime Minister’s Office, emphasized that the second wave of the epidemic comes to us in a more prepared state, it is necessary to prepare for a prolonged multi-front strugglebecause there is no vaccine yet. He also emphasized the importance of restoring the economy as soon as possible and protecting jobs, and stated, in line with a previous statement by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, “given that the defense system has so far been well tested, there is no reason for the government to pull the rod of epidemiological control. “ At the same time, he asked young people for solidarity so that their discipline helps protect the elderly from infection.
  • On September 7, Péter Szijjártó had already said that the epidemic was recurrent with restrictions, production cannot fall again.
  • The next day, September 8, László György, Secretary of State for Economic Strategy and Regulation of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, stated that We have all the tools and solutions so that we don’t have to close the economy in the same way as in spring ”, it is true that he did not speak of specific tools or measures.

Meanwhile, yes, there are austerity measures, selectively

Based on all this, you may even get the impression that the government does not take any substantial restrictive action in the event of an outbreak, because he fears the economic and social consequences. However, this is not the case because “under the grass”, silently, effectively, restrictive measures were implemented in more and more areas of life, presumably in accordance with the will of the government.

Thus, instead of the widely advertised broad restrictions, a period of selective tightening began in Hungary.

Here are some examples for the next few days:

  • The municipal in sewage samples Particular attention is paid to the hereditary material of the coronavirus because an increase in its concentration 4-10 days predicts whether the epidemic will intensify somewhere. On September 1, 7 of these large cities were identified, including Miskolc, where they were ordered for a few days on September 7. Miskolc local restrictions in institutions, customer service and urban public transport.
  • Also on September 7 ordered a ban on going out and visiting an institution nationwide without immediate effect without a press conference he the national chief physician in all social care institutions providing specialized care and it was also determined that a new caregiver could only be hired in possession of two negative Covid tests taken prior to admission.
  • Even before the start of the primary and secondary school year in September the institutions have received a detailed epidemiological protocol, to prevent infection, which also included that if the virus appeared somewhere in an institution, an individual decision could be made (for example, how many people and under what circumstances the class should convert to a digital curriculum and how many people should close the entire school). This is therefore an important element of a selective defense strategy that instead of the general closure of schools, they are born at the local level temporary closure decisions, even just for Class 1-1.
  • Our partner, Pénzcentrum, learned on Tuesday that a modified EMMI action plan had been sent to public education institutions that day, in which proposed the postponement of the dances and ribbons planned for the first semester of education, as well as the suspension of the sports sessions and choir rehearsals; Also, parents can only enter schools with special permission. According to the document, as of now, only the Office of Education can order a break in institutions due to exposure to the coronavirus.
  • In parallel with the above also hear about austerity in higher education on the mandatory use of masks within the institution, on program retention, the shift from education to online classes. These are also decided separately by each institution (there), most of which is known only to interested students and teachers.
  • On Tuesday came the news of another tightening: in the BKV flights maintained by the Budapest City Council for the now mandatory use of the mask. A fine of 8,000 HUF also associated if someone does not use it or does not use it correctly.
  • In addition, there is news from the surroundings of the houses of many municipalities that smaller or larger social events are postponed, resigned (for example, city or town days, fall festivals, etc.)
  • In early September, ITM published a 40-page practical guide for national companies to prepare for the epidemic situation in order to: what and when they can do to reduce the risk of infection and stay in business. They also emphasize that it would be desirable not to need long-term strict central restrictions like the spring, but that this can only be avoided if everyone defends themselves with their own means, as it is also claimed that the current second phase of the epidemic is still over. It will last at least one year in Hungary.

It can be seen from the above that The selective measures advocated by the experts are taken constantly, although rather in silence. Within the respective areas of competence of each decision maker, preferably avoiding strong austerity at the national level. The most important question in the second wave is whether this kind of selective adjustment will be enough. If so, we can escape the current outbreak of the epidemic with much less financial sacrifice.

Cover image source: MTI / EPA / Ritzau / Bo Amstrup
