Restrictions on curfews and prohibitions on visits to social institutions


On Tuesday morning, Cecília Müller, national medical director, ordered a ban on visiting and leaving institutions. We will explain why it was necessary.

In accordance with the decision of the national chief physician, the ban on going out and visiting institutions came into force on 7 September in all specialized institutions of social care in Hungary. This includes, but is not limited to, nursing; rehabilitation; institutions that provide temporary accommodation and residences.

Cecília Müller’s disposition in practice means that those under care and treatment cannot leave the building and family members cannot visit acquaintances. The new rule does not cover night shelters and temporary housing for the homeless.

Protective measure for the elderly

Although several problems related to the coronavirus are unclear, experts agree that older people and people with chronic diseases are at higher risk. This was initially supported by a series of national and international studies, and then the first wave of the epidemic provided hard data. The figures clearly show that these two groups are most at risk: like other countries in the world, the vast majority of deaths in Hungary come from here.

Following the outbreak of the pandemic in Hungary between February and March, one of the government’s first measures was to impose a ban on leaving institutions and visiting social institutions in March. The ministry then justified the measure: the basic objective is “minimize the possibility of infection, thus protecting the health of the individual and the caregiver who lives in other institutions.”

Although the first wave went down, the (coastal) vacation, the second wave of the epidemic appeared at home due to the introduction of the virus from abroad. The latest figures confirm it: the number of new infections is increasing again. According to epidemiology experts, the virus is more prevalent among young people at parties (weddings, discos), which is less dangerous for them, but even more so for the elderly. Therefore, the current restrictive measure was based on the same governmental consideration as in March:

everything must be done to protect the elderly.

The most important thing now is to protect the elderlyPhoto: Koncz Márton – Origo

The spread should slow down

The main objective of the imposition of a ban on leaving institutions and visits to social institutions is to slow the spread of the epidemic. This is because the government intends to reduce the number of personal encounters in an environment in which the elderly are present in greater numbers than the average.

By not being able to appear in these institutions, the risk of infection is significantly reduced.

Bad examples

It is no coincidence that the national chief physician took the austerity measure in his time: there were many bad examples during the first wave.

As is known, the dangers of the epidemic were not detected in time in the institutions maintained by the capital and late decisions had tragic consequences. The left-wing city leadership was visibly unexpectedly hit by the epidemic and made mistakes at various points during “crisis management.”

The Pesti út nursing home became the first focus of the coronavirus epidemic in Hungary, but the virus also had serious consequences in other similar institutions. According to the latest data

A total of 142 coronavirus-infected caregivers died in nursing homes, 55 of them in Pesti út. This means that almost one in four victims resides in a nursing home.

Gergely Karácsony and the left-wing municipal administration are clearly responsible for the epidemiological situation in the capital’s institutions. In a previous article, we analyzed how the mayor hesitated, how control got out of hand.

The soldiers of the Hungarian Armed Forces kept the XVII. Pesti út district nursing home on July 20, 2020, which will be re-disinfected as a preventive measure. As in April, the soldiers of the Sándor Petőfi Chemical Defense Battalion and the people trained by them, a total of 25 people, participate in the disinfection.Source: MTI / Koszticsák Solid

Tellingly, despite the fact that almost all news about the Pesti út nursing home was available at the time, Christmas has not visited the institution since.
